• The Year 2012

I am Master Lao Tse. With the deepest joy of my light it is an honor for me to greet you with the words OMAR TA SATT.

Sangitar has encouraged me to put my messages in a nutshell. But what Sangitar does not take into account is that there are no nutshells beyond the veil. Everything is in flowing energy without a stop or standstill. I greet you with such great esteem, with esteem and respect for your courage to be in the duality here on Earth at this time. For surely it is not easy.

It is the year 2012 and many changes will take place this year. Many expectations are being carried into this year by the human beings. It is correct that 2012 is the year of change. But whether it will come to the big dimensional change not even we can tell. Normally it would be so that the time window 2012 closes. But that would mean that God inhales. But the divine Source will surely give us a cushion if it takes more time to carry out the dimensional change. Nevertheless it is very important to realize that much, much has already changed since the year 2007 in your time line and that the changes will certainly reach a high point in 2012. Just as all of you can already notice it outside, but also deep inside yourselves. For not only is everything outside breaking, everything is crumbling, Lady Gaia discharging herself more and more often, but also the structures that so many human beings try to cling to simply cannot hold themselves anymore. Of course this releases much fear in many human beings. Also, the word ascension triggers great fear in many human beings. But believe me, the biggest change that is connected with effort is this time in the duality when the veils are so thin and so much energy of the divine Reality is pouring onto Earth, now with SOL'A'VANA, that it becomes hard for many human beings to understand what is happening at all. For most human beings try to grasp everything with the intellect. But the intellect cannot grasp it. But you can sense it with your soul and with your heart. But you also sometimes still try to understand what is happening with your intellect. Because of that it is so important to direct the attention to feeling. And as feeling is one of the most important energies of all we will receive drops of blessing with SOL'A'VANA from the Divine Thought Field once more today.

Before this happens I would like to tell you that every human being connects something with 2012. every human being knows the word energy. Whether spiritual or not spiritual. Every human being knows about energy. But many human beings do not know about the strength and the power of energy. This is being underestimated. There are many things that even doctors do not understand anymore at this time. For many illnesses are based on the psychological level. What is the psyche? The psyche is a part of your soul. What is the soul? The soul is energy. Everything is energy. Once one has understood that everything is energy and then makes oneself aware with how much strength energies can work, then one has reached a point, a point in the duality mind you, where one realizes that there is no better time than now to put the intellect aside and to trust these changes that are ahead of you.

Before Lao Tse gives further information about 2012 I would like to present you with the gift to enjoy the drops of blessing of the divine Source with SOL'A'VANA once more. Lay your hands on your heart and hear the sounds of the divine Reality. Feel the energy that is here in this room. It is a peaceful Festival, peaceful days. SOL'A'VANA has arrived and yet I can already tell you that at no Festival have so many miracles happened as at this one. The biggest energetic gift is still ahead of you. Thus let us enjoy SOL'A'VANA now.

(Music is played)

You can observe the big changes that are already taking place outside. But often the powerful human beings who think they bear might do not tell you the truth when they tell you that they wage wars because of raw materials. The truth is that their concern is water. But it is important, for you too, that the changes that are taking place with you also raise questions with many of you. Some say: I am doing so many spiritual things for so long now and physically feel worse than ever before. But believe me, that is the biggest illusion. For your cells receive the energy of the divine Reality and they flow with the energies of the divine Reality, renew themselves towards health. Great tension can be felt in the human beings. Many human beings behave aggressively towards spiritual human beings. Do not let this influence you, for they know not what they do.

You also feel that many energies from different planets are pouring to you. Sometimes you are tired. But all that is part of the process. Many are still afraid of the ascension. Let Lao Tse tell you: you do not need to, not in any way at all. You will physically experience how the Earth becomes paradise.

Feel inside what it means when at last the attributes, all the abilities can be lived. Justice, love, joy, health, abundance, security and peace. When the human beings connect from heart to heart. How will it be when the higher consciousness arrives? It will be wonderful. And these days of the big collective contribute towards the light being carried out into the world and putting down the tracks for what is coming. At the moment you still cannot comprehend at all what it means that SOL'A'VANA has arrived. For SOL'A'VANA is an energy that calms and does not cause any processes in you, but calms your entire system, particularly your physical aspect. For it, too, feels unwell due to the massive irradiations that are flowing onto Earth.

We on the side of the divine Reality, we are so happy and our attention is always with you. Show your intention, for this we can see, by trusting and putting the doubts aside. Even if perhaps there is a message you cannot understand or you can not yet realize the big connections it does not mean that it is not the truth. Sometimes it is simply so that messages are brought onto Earth at a certain time in a certain energy. As is helpful to you. But much will also become easier for you, for the human beings will realize more and more in 2012 that there is more in heaven and Earth. They will realize that, when everything they have ever held on to collapses, something will remain that will let them become humble in life. Then they will be prepared to open themselves to spirituality. No matter which path they choose then they will realize that the most important, the most beautiful and the highest thing a human being can hold on to is the divine love.

In the second half of 2012 your time it will come to more solar flares. The climate will also change more and more. You will see many phenomena with SOL'A'VANA. It will also come to all kinds of discharges on the part of Lady Gaia. But at the same time it is forseeable even now that there will be more peace. Let yourself be told, you bear a part of it in yourself. For with each step you take you spread peace. They are waves. And even if you sometimes cannot understand anymore where exactly you have put down the tracks of peace and love they are still there.

Eris's big dimensional change is approaching. It will cause waves in the planetary grid once more. You will absorb these vibrations and also feel them. They are good energies, lightful energies but still very powerful energies. When this happens breathe SOL'A'VANA into yourself, ground yourself well and be happy that another planet has carried out its ascension then.

In 2012 in particular it is also so that many human relationships will be questioned. Sometimes it will come to separations. Try to separate in love. And a big concern of Lao Tse is: Look after the children, look after the children. Your children are angels on Earth, full of wisdom. Listen to their words. Look at them and see how they manage to live in the present, not in the past, not in the future. They are living in the now. When they play, they play. Follow their example, live in the now, in the moment. Try to understand that you should understand the messages that are brought to you with the heart. Feeling in your soul the love that we have for you. Beyond the veil we do everything to support you. At the moment there is still an imbalance in the duality on Earth. Poor and rich. Human beings who are starving. But all that will change. It will be a better world.

You have gone through so many incarnations, have gone through them in various epochs. It was always important that the Earth energy expands so much that God continues to breathe. But in this incarnation it is important that the human being expands, hears the perfect sound within and only then will the consciousness of Lady Gaia be able to hear the perfect sound in itself. Thus there is the perfect sound in you, the perfect sound in Lady Gaia, the perfect sound in the planetary grid. All these sounds will then unify and it will come to a perfect sound that shows that the dimensional change is taking place. At this moment when this happens all your energetic patterns that are perhaps still closed will open. At this moment you will fully realize what it means to experience this.

My love for you is so deep. And I am so happy that SOL'A'VANA has been born on Earth, in you. So it is.

I will continue to stay here with my energy. I am so deeply connected with you and I say to each and every one



The words of the lightlanguage used in this channeling mean:
OMAR TA SATT - lightworkers' greeting, energy of welcome
AN'ANASHA - gratitude, balance between giving and receiving

Author's Bio: 

Sabine Sangitar Wenig is a clairaudient medium who, after many years of preparation for her current task, has founded 'Kryonschool - Spiritual Course of Awakening'.

In addition to her regular work for Kryonschool she gives a public channeling in Rosenheim, Germany, once a month which is also published on the Kryonschool website.

The Kryon Festival is a biannual event taking place in Munich, Germany.

You are welcome to visit the Kryonschool website and browse through the channelings, news and information.