Laser and IPL hair removal laser, and usually photomedicine procedures done in the United States of America. None of us like to be too hairy, I think it reminds us of a graph, our animal friends in the world! Women in particular do not like the dark hair over the face, legs, bikini line and under the arm, especially women, in the U.S. and Asia. I believe, dark facial hair, a young woman feel less feminine. This is a cultural phenomenon, like many cultures do not have this obsession.

Laser and light hair removal have improved significantly over the past 5 years. Early lasers was not completely effective, and it was so powerful that the possibility of burns and scars. In addition, the early lasers can be used on dark skin and was effective in removing only a very dark black hair. Newer IPL and lasers are a significant increase and can be used on darker skin, and can also remove lighter colored hair. Newer IPL machines are less painful and less likely burning the skin and scars.

Best laser hair removal before the invention of Palomar Medical Lightshear diode. Palomar has developed the latest IPL hair removal method to treat darker skin types and to remove lighter colored hair. New IPL process advantages become clear when they sold their rights Lightshear Lumenis diode continue doing what they felt was superior to IPL method of disposal.

These machines are complex medical grade instruments that should be used only under medical supervision. Although the popularity of this procedure resulted in a light laser and IPL treatments without a doctor being proposed Salons Spas, a new legal instrument will soon restrict these devices under the supervision of a doctor office. I recommend that you stay ahead of the curve and get the safest most effective medical board certified plastic surgeons or dermatologists office. Your safety should be your first concern.

How does IPL or laser hair removal?

All light therapy, which includes laser and IPL, also known as methods for Photomedicine, work on the same principle. This principle is that a certain color light can be focused to be absorbed, or one specific color to the skin tissue. Light is energy and energy can produce heat. When light energy, IPL or laser beam is absorbed by the skin color of fabric, tissue is heated, damaged and removed. Follicles are black or brown, black or brown, laser or IPL light glass on the skin, that is the follicle, the follicle absorbs the light energy is heated, damaged, and the follicle shrinks and loses color. New lower follicle can grow just fine pale peach fuss after treatment.This light-based approach is called target specific photothermolysis of the target receives a specially-colored color is light energy (photo), heat (thermal) and damaged or dissolve (lysis).

The color of light is very important, because different colors, different color hair follicle. Thus, the color of the light will not remove all of the colors. The most common laser wavelength of 800nm ??(Lightshear diode) was used, but newer Intense pulsed light-based systems can be quickly treated with 525-1200nm (Palomar LuxRed and LuxYellow) to treat a wider range of colors.

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