Your entire universe revolves around the dominant thoughts that are being held in your mind. If you are wondering why you are not getting results with the Law of Attraction, ask yourself one question: “Am I looking in the direction of where I am right now, or am I looking in the direction of where I want to be”? If you can analyze this question properly, you will understand how the Law of Attraction and money work.

In very simple terms, this one question can answer any question you have about the Law of Attraction. You see, as human beings we don’t attract single thoughts. We think a thought, and that attracts other thoughts on an identical vibrational frequency. The dominant, chronic thoughts that you hold in your awareness will become true in physical reality. Your chronic thoughts determine how Law of Attraction and money manifest in your life.

As an example, let’s say that you don’t have enough money. You need to drill into your head that if you are looking into the direction of where you are right now (AKA not having enough money), the money will never come. No matter what you do. Success takes action, and when you are thinking about your lack of money, you have no inspiration to take the action that’s required to bring the money. When you think about your lack of money, you don’t feel good. When you don’t feel good, you are on a different vibrational frequency then the money that you are asking for. This is how the Law of Attraction and money work.

In order to get the money, you MUST look in the direction of where you want to be. Instead of thinking about the lack of money, pleasure your soul by imagining your rich lifestyle. Think about what you are going to do with that money. Think about the respect you will earn. Look in the direction of where you want to be.

The main concept is that as a human being, you have a choice. God has given each and every single one of us the gift of our attention. If you focus your attention on your current circumstances, your current circumstances will stay the same. However, if you give your attention to that which you want to see, you will be shocked by the brilliant results. Not only that, but you will feel amazing in the process! Make a decision to focus your attention, and the Law of Attraction and Money will work in your favor.

This is an excellent starting point towards making the Law of Attraction and money work for you.

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Next, if you’re serious about using the power of your mind to get RICH (I’m talking millionaire), I suggest you check out this free teleseminar by Bob Proctor . If you feel The Secret did not leave you equipped with all the tools to successfully manifest, you will find this teleseminar extremely useful.