It's a known fact that you are out of business if you don't have any prospects. Lead generation marketing is the lifeblood of your network marketing business. For network marketing entrepreneurs success in generating leads comes down to one principle - quality over quantity. By applying this one strategy, you can expect to quadruple your lead generation marketing success.
Implementing the quality over quantity principle in your lead generation marketing approach will not only reward you financially, but will have a positive impact on your lifestyle too. Let's get stuck in.
Get Clear on Your Target Market
There are many opportunity seekers looking for a business, be it the senior executive wanting out of the corporate rut or the stay at home mom looking for extra pocket money. Be careful not to fall into the trap of many network marketers by trying to capture everyone with one marketing message. The cliché "jack of all trades, master of none" comes to mind.
By comparison, successful network marketing entrepreneurs continuously improve their skills in lead generation marketing by focusing and learning everything about the target market they have already identified. A guide to choosing your perfect target audience is to think about the qualities that attracts you to people, your interests, personality, skills and your level of comfort when dealing with certain people.
Attraction Sponsoring
The next step is to draw your ideal prospect to you, rather than put energy into sourcing the masses. Attraction sponsoring occurs when you attract prospects that resonate with you based on the criteria you selected when identifying your target market.
For example, we'll assume you were previously an executive who traded corporate success for more time with your family and to live your passion for travel. In your target market you may choose to include professional entrepreneurs looking to quit the rat race, women executives seeking more quality family time and people who have a zest for traveling the world. People you may exclude are stay at home moms looking for additional money, students looking to supplement their income and retirees wanting to boost their retirement funds. These prospects may be great, but since you have little in common you may find it difficult to relate to them.
Attraction marketing allows you to attract like-minded people that you can connect with authentically and effortlessly, instantly building a relationship which naturally progresses to mutual respect. Not only does it reduce the time spent on prospecting but also increases the number of people likely to join your business. Since you are targeting better quality people, you will speak to fewer prospects but will achieve the same, or more, number of sign ups, with far less energy and time. That is the ultimate quality over quantity result!
Lead Generation Marketing System
Finally, you need to generate a consistent flow of ideal prospects to your business. The most effective way to do this is to use a lead generation marketing system that speaks to your prospects "individually". Many network marketers fall into the trap of a "one to many" marketing approach - one marketing message to reach many people. Not only does this squander money, it wastes valuable prospecting time. The quality over quantity approach matches your message to your market, speaking directly to what matters most to them. Since each target market has different needs, you should customize the websites you are directly each of these groups to.
It's therefore critical to choose a lead generation marketing system that makes this process easy to implement so you can focus on doing what's most important to your business - speaking to qualified prospects. This technique alone will make a massive difference to mastering lead generation marketing.
In summary, to truly become a master in lead generation marketing you need an exact picture of your ideal prospect, then using a lead generation marketing system send customized marketing campaigns to them. The result is focused attention, better quality leads, higher conversion rates and true time and financial freedom.
Feel free to visit us for more valuable information on mastering lead generation marketing.
As a Wealth and Lifestyle Strategist, Carla Baldock teaches self-motivated people to become entrepreneurs and achieve their income goals through Network Marketing. Carla is also the author of a 6 day e-course "7 Vital Steps to Discovering Your Ideal Business". Get your FREE copy now.
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