First of all you need to be sure you are dealing with a yeast infection. There are two that are the most common infections that women generally have trouble with that are not sexually transmitted. That is Yeast and Bacterial.

With a bacterial and symptoms of a yeast infection mimicking each other it can often times be difficult to distinguish between the two. I can let you know exactly what to look for from having to deal with them for many years.

A bacterial infection will cause some itch ness however a yeast infection can produce extreme itch ness to the point where it's very annoying. You can also have a burning sensation when urinating, but these symptoms are sometimes accompanied with a bacterial infection too. The main way to tell the difference is in the discharge.

A white vaginal discharge that can range anywhere from thick to thin would be a symptom of a yeast infection. It is no doubt a yeast infection if this discharge is clumpy like cottage cheese.

Yeast should have no foul odor. You may have a mild infection and not even notice symptoms until after certain activities, swimming, playing sports, running, exercising, or after sex for example.

These types of infections are very common and are usually a prelude to a full blown Candida yeast infection. So it is a good idea to not ignore what you are feeling, thinking it will clear up on its own. You can eliminate yeast for good in the privacy of your own home naturally.

We talked about how similar a bacterial infection would be. However the discharge will have a off white, yellow to brownish color and there could be some slight itching. There is a fishy, foul odor with a bacterial discharge. This is because bacterial vaginosis is caused by a completely different type of bacteria that produces this bad odor.

My experiences over the years with over the counter anti-fungal and topical lotions have not been successful. A temporary fix may be found with these products but they just don't fix the root of the problem. The only way to assure that it will not keep coming back is to eliminate the yeast all together.

Candida may not be causing you in harm and be found in your body. The most common infection is a vaginal or penal yeast infection but thrush, skin, digestive tract or whichever place candida would get a chance to thrive could be next if given the opportunity.

This could be for any reason that may weaken your defenses against the candida. Maybe you have to take an antibiotic for some reason or you’ve been really sick with the flu. Really anything that may compromise your immune system or damage any “good” bacteria that keeps candida in check.

By ridding your body of the candida bacteria all together with then you won’t be susceptible to an infection every time your natural flora becomes out of balance. The absolute best thing is you can do this in the privacy of your own home with a easy five step program. You don't have to go to expensive doctors or buy prescription medication, creams, etc.. Nope all you have to do is read the truth in a book about candida and follow this simple program.

You will be lead down the path to candida freedom in this eBook. It helps you determine your specific infection and shows you step by step exactly what to do. All you have to do is read it and follow the program and I promise you will not regret it! You will feel so good you will wish you would have done this years ago!

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