If we look at the current statistics, we should expect to see that one in every three adults age 50 and above will develop hemorrhoids. This is probably a good reason for us to begin learning how to get rid of hemorrhoids even if we still don’t have this problem. This would mean that we have to look beyond the surgical procedure and consider natural treatment alternatives in getting rid of piles.

Typical Causes and Symptoms of Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are characterized by the presence of inflamed and swollen blood vessels in the anal region and lower parts of the rectum. This medical condition occurs as a result of heightened pressure in the anal region and lower rectum. This causes the stretching, swelling and bulging of the blood vessels. Common symptoms associated to hemorrhoids include itchiness in the affected area, painless bleeding and leakage of fecal matter. The predisposing factors include age, heredity, chronic constipation and diarrhea, overweight, straining while moving bowels and pregnancy.

Natural Treatment Alternatives

Proper management and control of hemorrhoids require that you go beyond mainstream medication and surgical procedures and consider natural treatment alternatives. In fact, there are simple home remedies that you can use to get rid of your piles problem. Coupled with a healthy diet and lifestyle, you can effectively control and eliminate your hemorrhoids.

Why should you consider natural treatment alternatives for hemorrhoids? Surgical procedures are expensive and inconvenient options. On the other hand, medications indicated for piles treatment may contain toxic chemicals and other harmful ingredients.

It is best that you consider the following home remedies in treating hemorrhoids:

  • Epsom Salt Bath
  • Witch Hazel
  • Cold Compress
  • Cranberry Poultice
  • Essential Oils

Prevention of Hemorrhoids

Effective management of this medical conditions hinges on proper prevention protocol. The primary objective is to maintain a soft stool so that you don’t strain when passing your bowel. You have to observe the following in order to prevent hemorrhoids and minimize piles flare-ups.

  • Follow a fiber-rich diet - You must increase your consumption of whole grains, vegetables and fruits. A high fiber diet will produce soft stool and this will reduce the need for you to strain when moving your bowels.
  • Observe proper hydration – You must drink at least eight glasses of water and other non-alcoholic drinks on a daily basis.
  • Take fiber supplements – Support your diet by taking fiber supplements. We normally get lesser than the recommended amount of fiber which is 20 – 35 gm daily. You must go for a good source of psyllium fiber to support your diet.
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Read on and discover how to get rid of hemorrhoids the natural way with the use of Venapro.