The word legitimate always convey its true meaning that is one hundred percent true in its name or providing you any service without any kind of fraud. The world of internet and social media is no doubt is more of fraud and it is difficult to find truth on such kinds of websites. But a good news is also waiting for you as there are some websites also exist which provide you with true and reliable sources of money making just by sitting at your own place.

As a beginner:

First of all you have to decide at which point you have to start your career as a data entry or a typist. Rules and regulations are the part of every field in life. Same is the case appears here. It also have some specific does and don’ts which you have to strictly follow. The difference lie between the experience and non-experience individual. So you have to choose your path according to the degree you possess.

Categorical divisions:

Although there are several categories through which you can begin your career, but here only few are mentioned.
• Work from home as a data entry clerk.
• Serve customers through online services.
• Making money through paid surveys.
• Start your business through your own creative



As you know that every new web page is inviting you to perform work for their organization. Yet you have to be choosy in doing so because what they said not always meant to be that and later on for that very reasons you have to bear major consequences.

You can check on to the daily alerts of home base jobs of reliable sites so that you can never miss any chance of being the part of online jobs. One thing you be kept in mind that don’t rely on source only. Choose multiple one and try your luck accordingly.

Guided tips:

• Always become the part of that website which you are sure that they are scams and virus free because they give you one thing and steel your million dollar information from the laptop just by replicating a small dangerous virus.

• Always keep a keen eye on the reviews mentioned by the people working as a data entry clerk or any other required field.

• You can also search for the reviews of people by scrolling through that particular authentic website. For this very purpose, you have to get widened your social circle in order to keep yourself updated from all reliable sources.

• You can also become part of any social media that include Facebook, twitter or WhatsApp groups. But keeping your own security is the key demand of this crucial hour. Because now getting into other people information is as easy as the blink of your eye. So be careful before becoming the part of any social media or website. Paly on the safe side and don’t even share your personal information with other people on the website as it might lead towards greater destruction.

Author's Bio: 

I am blogher and content writer