I have an admission to make. I just polished off every molecule of a McDonalds Big N Tasty Meal. (That’s a #6 for you Mickey D’s wanna be’s.) Ahh, I loved each bite of burger and salty, soggy fry. Every mouthful was so refreshing after months of my “mostly veggies” regime. As I sat in my car waiting for my Big N Tasty, it dawned on me that life is like the “drive thru” line at McDonalds. You get what you order. Often, people settle for what shows up in their life rather than going for the Big Gulp that is the life of their dreams.

The First Step - ASK

The Universe is asking, “Can I Supersize that for you?” What is your answer? The first step in having what you want in your life is asking for it. It sounds so simple and dorky. Yet, it is true. Recently, one of my clients doubled his income. When a new customer asked his normal rate, a ridiculously large number popped out of his mouth. He told me later of his surprise at his new found boldness. He asked for what he wanted and got it. His deeper process began as he opened to an inner place of worthiness which he needed to embrace to actually receive greater abundance. His request for more money got him both more money and a new awareness of the innate goodness that is his authentic nature.

Simple Questions Can SUPERSIZE Your Life.
Asking a few key questions can dramatically impact your life.


    Ask……Yourself. Take 15 minutes and review your week. This can be the most productive 15 minutes on your agenda. Ask yourself, “What worked…and what didn’t?” Whip out that trusty calendar of yours and look at your activities and interactions. Does your jaw get tight when you see “meeting with JD”? Do you feel a knot in your stomach when you remember the unclear communication with your brother? You are the world expert in You-ness, so you are the person that is best equipped to give yourself the best feedback. Taking time to look at your week gives you clear guidance of what worked and what didn’t. By reviewing your week you will become familiar with your own “instant feedback cues”. Practicing this technique you will become more familiar with your cues. Soon, you will be able to use these “instant decision makers” as a traffic light for your decisions.

    Ask……..Another Take 15 minutes and ask for support. It takes a village to change a habit or to create a dream. You have so much more support than you know. If there is someone in your life that has what you want, that person is the best place to start. (A friend with a happy marriage will give you better romantic advise than a single friend….I found that out the hard way). Ask if you can chat with them weekly and get their advice.

    Ask…….Your Infinite Wisdom Take 15 minutes and ask for the support and guidance of your Spirit.. Then….listen! Inviting the infinite wisdom of The Great Good inside you is probably the smartest question you can ever ask. I have found that Spirit is the best partner around. Maybe finding the handsome, sensitive man of your dreams and fitting into your size 8 jeans seems 50% impossible to you, but for Spirit it is no biggie.

Author's Bio: 

Intent.com is a premier wellness site and supportive social network where like-minded individuals can connect and support each others' intentions. Founded by Deepak Chopra's daughter Mallika Chopra, Intent.com aims to be the most trusted and comprehensive wellness destination featuring a supportive community of members, blogs from top wellness experts and curated online content relating to Personal, Social, Global and Spiritual wellness.