The word “cancer” makes most people shrink in terror and run for cover, and may crush even the most compassionate person’s impulse to provide comfort. Although more than half of us punched by the disease go on to live long lives, the fear - and stigma – remain, like fog shrouding a shoreline.

I’ve devoted much of my life in recent years to fighting the stigma, and it just occurred to me that the subject of cancer might be more palatable if we went back to calling it the “C-word,” since many have such a visceral knee-jerk response to the word "cancer" itself.

Do you think we should go back to calling it the "C-word"? I don't. Instead, let’s get the “Can” back in cancer, and call it the “Can-word”, as in “Can cure cancer.” Let’s get the hope back in hell, which is what you feel like when you have cancer. I’m proof positive that there is hope. An almost-seven year lung cancer survivor, I plan to be around for a long time.

Let’s not allow ourselves to run away from thinking about, caring for, and listening to those attacked by cancer just because it inspires fear.

Just remember, next time you hear “cancer”, think of “can-cure” instead.

Always hope,


This post originally appeared on Lori's CarePages blog, "what helps. what hurts. what heals."

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