Over the years I have consulted with friends, family members, and clients, about potential rental properties, and real estate purchases. One of the benefits of intuition is that information comes any time and any where. Although meeting face to face is more personal, modern technology now gives us the opportunity to converse, and see one another online. And phone sessions are convenient, and expedient, when something needs to be clarified quickly, like house hunting.

Whether renting or buying, I recommend going with your first impressions. Our initial response is untainted. Instinctively you know a lot more than you may realize. The question is do you value your intuitive intelligence?

“It is only at the first encounter that a face makes its full impression on us.” Arthur Schopenhauer

In this article I will share two stories on this subject; one about a couple who acted on their gut feelings and mine, avoiding a financial and emotional disaster, and the other couple who ignored the signs, and unfortunately things got worse.

Jay and Laura were searching for their first home. They called to ask about two possible contenders. “Give me the name of the street” I said. The first was located on Water Street, and was a beach property. Who wouldn’t want to live by the ocean?

I closed my eyes, quieted myself, and heard, “This home has major structural flaws. It was previously flooded, and the water damage is irreparable. You will need to tear down the existing house, and rebuild a new one. The foundation is not solid. There is pertinent information that is being withheld. Before you proceed further, get a history of prior property damage, and flood reports”.

Laura said she had a funny feeling about this house too, even though she really loved the idea of being near the beach. In lieu of my warnings, Jay promised to investigate further, and share his findings with me.

The second home was on San Marcus. My first impression was picturesque, of a beautifully landscaped and quaint yard, with pale pink tea rose bushes. I immediately felt at home. My body fully resonated with this place. Though the couple had concerns because the house was on a fairly busy city block, Laura couldn’t get over an incredible coincidence. There was a playhouse in the backyard which was an exact replica of the one she had as a child! Was it a spiritual sign? It certainly felt this way to her, and to me.

We spoke again the following week. The property on Water Street had been flooded several times, and was not up to code! The house needed to be completely gutted, but actually rebuilding was the most cost effective option. Jay and Laura bought the place on San Marcus, and lived there happily for many years. They even welcomed their first son into this home. I had the pleasure of visiting there, before they relocated, with Jay’s new job. It was even more adorable than my beatific visions.

Pami is one of my oldest, and dearest friends on the west coast. We speak weekly, and sometimes she will ask me to “channel” on a person or situation. I did this about her former rental house. Much as I wanted to say something positive, and encouraging, I couldn’t. I had an overwhelming sense of distrust when I intuited the name of her landlady, and a very bleak outlook on the property itself. And when I drove there to check things out, I just couldn’t shake these feelings off. But she and her family needed to find a new place quickly. They decided to take their chances, and try to make the best of things. Shortly after moving in, the garbage disposal broke, and there was a horrible stench in the entire house. When the plumber finally came, he said the pipes under the house were rusted through and leaking. The sewer line was backing up into the kitchen sink. There was also flooding in the master bedroom closet. This was the beginning of a two year struggle, filled with deceit, and many inconveniences. Luckily on Christmas, Pami and her family moved into a wonderful new home, with owners who seem to be decent and honest.

I welcome your comments and questions. Feel free to email me at: Stephanie@of2minds.com/ If you would like a consultation, or want more information about the services I offer as a Personal Life Coach, visit http://www.stephaniealt.com/

“Fine-tuning your intuition safeguards your future, and opens doors to the extraordinary.” Stephanie Rachel Alt, MS

Author's Bio: 

Stephanie Rachel Alt, holds a Masters degree in Counseling/Human Development from Bank Street College of Education, New York, NY. She is also Master Certified in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (N.L.P.) and hypnosis. Stephanie teaches her clients to use “intuitive intelligence”, logic and reason, in daily life and decision making. She created “Of 2 Minds” Coaching and Consulting services, to offer these services; intuitive readings, intuitive coaching, conscious communication, hypnosis and NLP techniques. She also works with dream messages and dream symbolism.

Stephanie’s work experience includes leading NLP training seminars, for NLP Co-founders, John Grinder, and Judith Delozier. She is a contributing author in an NLP casebook; Leaves Before The Wind. Stephanie currently resides on the Central Coast, in California, where she maintains an office. Working with individuals, couples, families, and groups you can consult with Stephanie in person or conveniently by phone and online.