Dear Jan:

My family keeps kidding me that I have a bad attitude. Maybe I do ... But what difference does it make? Hey, I’m over 21 and I’ll have any attitude that I want! When you can show me that life will be any easier if I change, well then maybe I’ll consider it...
Signed: So What!!!

Dear So What:

I think it is a pretty safe assumption that life for you must be frustrating, unfulfilling, and certainly not the motivator that gets you out of bed in the morning ... How do I know ---- it’s your attitude!

Life, or what is also called our Reality, is a reflection of what we believe and how committed we are to that belief. These are our perceptions and attitudes --- gained from the experiences, cultural background, and concepts that we have accepted as our Truths. What you believe therefore You Are.

The child who grows up in a secure, loving environment would have the perspective that life is effortless and easygoing and would then radiate optimism, flexibility and be undaunted in his/her aspirations. The same individual, who later in life, experiences a lengthy 'deprivation' cycle would abolish the original perspective and embody the new attitude: that of deficiency. Because of this, he/she would now take on a luckless, deprived, and victimized attitude and belief and their new cycle would continue until such time as their attitude changed to one of confidence and trust

What you radiate you also receive back --- since Like attracts Like.

On my first trip to Glastonbury, England, several years ago, I purposely sought out a Bed and Breakfast Inn each night at whatever town I happened to be in that day. B&B owners were by and large very personable and enjoyed conversing, especially to someone like myself who was eager to learn of the people, traditions and history of the local region. At one such place, situated at Lands End, the owners had both just left careers in the educational field to make a major life change. That evening we sat around the fireplace and comfortably chatted. Soon, our discussion took on a philosophical tone and the remainder of the night we concentrated on the question: who achieves success and how do they do it?

All too soon the late night hours drew to a close without our being able to come to any conclusions. There were only four hours remaining before I was to start out for my next destination. On the way up to my room, I was handed fifteen books, all of which were about people who were known for their successes. Nodding determinedly to my hosts I doggedly declared that by the time I was to leave in the morning I would have the answer to our discussion. And so rather than sleeping, I spent the time scrutinizing those fifteen books in hopes of learning what it was that made certain people dramatically stand out from the general mass.

It was clear that each successful person had his/her very unique set of circumstances, motivations, and experiences but alas! there was still one very distinct similarity: INTENT!

Each successful person clearly intended to and very definitely expected to be successful. They each lived life as if they had already attained success and let nothing deter them from a laser like focus of having success. Failure was not accepted as a negative, but rather as a stepping stone on the path to the end result. They were committed to their intent!

And so I left Lands End a far wealthier person for learning another wonderful Universal Truth, for Reality is what we believe it is --- or choose to believe it is.

If our life is not giving us what we desire, then we need to change the programming that is holding us back from having the Reality we deserve.

Jan White specializes in counseling issues of anxiety, trauma, depression, relationships, loss, unresolved core issues, Spiritual Emergence, and chronic illness. She can be reached at (509)230-1964. Questions for response can be emailed to .

Author's Bio: 

Originally providing business consulting services for organizations and companies, Jan White,LFIBA,RMT,D.D. quickly realized that it was the beliefs of the employees and managers that kept the business, relationships, and the individual them self where they were at, both professionally and personally. This realization then became her lifelong focus: assisting and facilitating individuals and businesses to become more empowered, to master, and be the master, of the journey of Change and to bring into their life what they truly desired. It is with the magical adventure of rediscovering Who You Really Are that we are placed once again on the path and direction of what, how, and when so as to manifest what is in our best interest and highest good. With the services of Jan’s company, ARTISTRY OF CHANGE, clients are assisted in a holistic approach, effecting each and every area of their life and each of their 4 bodies: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. ARTISTRY OF CHANGE specializes in counseling issues of anxiety, trauma, depression, relationships, loss, unresolved core issues, Spiritual Emergence and chronic illness. REIKI also plays a key part in this process and Jan, as a USUI REIKI Master Teacher, includes this within her approach.

Artistry of Change: Holistic Counseling & REIKI
Telephone: (509) 230-1964

In-person sessions in Bellingham, WA general area.
Skype/Messenger/Hangout and phone sessions available for global clientele.

Mastering the Challenges of Change and Your Healing Process