Live chat is effective for many reasons. Live chat provides your clients and your potential customers with immediate access to your support staff and sales team (vice versa). With live chat your team is equipped with many more opportunities to convert these visitors into paying clients or customers.

Improved customer service and loyalty

According to e Digital Customer Service Benchmark, a survey of 2000 consumers was done and it was found that live chat witnesses the highest customer satisfaction levels at 73%, as compared to 61% for email support and only 44% for the conventional phone support.

These numbers clearly specify, why customers return to businesses that are offering live chat. The customers are more confident and at ease dealing with companies who provide easy, hassle free and immediate support.

Live chat permits you to solve the concerns of your visitors faster, provide quick answers about your products and even the assurance that you are there at the help desk behind the website, available when they need you. Live chat is a very simple way to provide effective customer service and loyalty.

The instant live chat support in real time, boost your customers confidence and motivates him to spread a word of mouth for your business too.

This in turn enhances sales and also builds a rapport among your prospects.

Live chat is all there at your website to satisfy your customers and delight them.

Livechatagent, 24/7 live Chat Agent, Live Chat, Live Chat Agents, Live Chat Service, Live Chat Support, Increase Sales, Increase Conversion With Live Chat, Increase Website Sales, Business, Customer Service, Customer Support

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