There is an excellent way for the small customers to compete with big players in the market and that exceptional way is excellent customer service. Before online shopping came into existence, the advantage that small business had over the big box stores was that they treated customers like people rather than numbers, and delivering great expertise in their market.

But with online shopping, some of these advantages faded and the smaller companies were left with few options to give the customers the level of interaction they craved for.

Live chat has bridged the gap, by providing the small businesses an opportunity to provide the personal touch online.

The most common scenario where live chat makes the difference is when your customer has filled their online shopping cart but they are engrossed with some confusion and need an answer before proceeding further. Here is where the small widget the ‘chat button’ makes the difference. A click on the chat button gets you connected with the company representatives right at the moment and get all your concern answered in real time.

Companies have basically three ways of primary support for their customers to get in touch with the business with their questions like email, phone and chat. But there are some limitations to these support systems. People don’t prefer email as they do not get immediate responses and with the phone support the customer support representatives is able to handle a single call at a time. But with live chat you are just above all the limitations.

Live chat allows you to multitask and at the same time addresses all your concerns in real time.

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