Are you living life to the full? Have you ever wanted change in your life and know how or where to begin?

You need to identify what you want in life. Write it down or type it on your computer. You can create the life that you want, but you need to know where you are going. It’s like driving somewhere, but you don’t know where to go. If you don’t switch on the GPS or look on a map, you still won’t know how to get to your destination. You may just end up getting lost.

How often we do just that. We navigate life every day without a clear path and purpose. Hoping that we will end up where we intended to go.

No my friend, you will not create the life that you want by hap hazardously getting into your “car of life”, hoping for the best and just setting off into any direction.

So where do you begin to change your life?

It is not as difficult as you may think. You need the following in your toolkit:
1) A desire to change
Knowing that your life can be more fulfilling and having the desire to want to improve your life, to improve your circumstances, to change your future.

2) A commitment to change
Nothing can ever be achieved without the commitment to a goal. Having a goal but no commitment is like a New Year’s resolution to lose weight, but you don’t exercise, eat less and healthier, etc.

3) A belief in yourself
You have to learn how to harness the power of your brain. Thinking positively & thinking right. Why? So that your thinking can support your goal or the outcome you are working towards and not jeopardize your future by thinking negative thoughts, etc.

4) A plan to succeed
You have to identify what it is that you are working towards. What it is that you want in life? Once you have identified what it is that you want in life, you can work purposefully towards your goal.

5) Take deliberate action towards your goal/s
A plan is only as good as the execution of the plan. If you don’t follow the necessary steps and put it into action, nothing will change.

6) Track your progress
Once you have put your plan into action, you need to track your progress to ensure that you stay on course. If you find that you have gone off track, correct your behaviour and get back on course. Don’t beat yourself up if you have made a mistake or lost focus. Acknowledge that you are human, but get up and get back on track.

We limit ourselves in life by believing general statements like: “I can’t do it”; “I am just not cut out for this or that”; “I am afraid of …”; “I can’t change now”, and in the process we condition ourselves to cling to the status quo, face no new challenges and never achieve our ultimate best.

You need to take a critical but realistic look at yourself and the life you have created for yourself. Are you living the life of your dreams? Are you doing your best every day? Or are you just existing. Trying to get by from day to day.

Your life can be more fulfilling. More purpose, love and full of happiness - if that is what you want in life.

Ask yourself the following questions and answer them truthfully. Take your time and do the necessary self-reflection. This exercise can change your life and change your focus. Write the answers down on a piece of paper or type it on your computer.

Setting my goal/s or outcomes for my life:
1) What do I really want? (Be specific. Use detail.)
2) Where am I now? (Do I have this (answer to Q1) now in my life?)
3) What will I see, hear and feel, when I have it? (Make it compelling and present tense. As if now. Create a picture of yourself having achieved what you identified in Q1.)
4) What will this goal or outcome get for me or allow me to do? (This is the reason behind wanting to achieve your goal / outcome.)
5) What do I have now and what do I need to get to my outcome? (In other words: what resources do I need to get to my goal/outcome?)
6) Is it ecological? (Is my goal or outcome good for me, my family and the environment? Your goal must not just benefit you, but also your family and the environment.)

You have now identified your goal/s or outcomes and you can work towards your plan of action.

Some time or other you have to think about your life and the life you would want to lead. I can enable you to make your life anything you want it to be, by helping you identify what it is that you want in life.

To summarise, you need the following for a life changing experience:
1) a desire to change,
2) the commitment to go through the change,
3) a belief in yourself,
4) a plan to succeed and
5) taking deliberate action towards your goal/s.
6) Track your progress

You can be free of all the things of the past, limiting self-beliefs and emotional baggage, etc. All the things that hold you back in creating the life of your dreams.

Choose to be free.

Author's Bio: 

Rita Botes is a Life Coach, Customer Service Coach, Inspirational Speaker and Entrepreneur. She is the founder of Evolve Now CC that is dedicated to research, education and supporting individuals, organizations and communities in their pursuit of growth. Rita is an avid entrepreneur and is passionate about coaching, customer service and the empowerment of others through personal development and growth.

This article of Rita featured in the magazine Vibrations in March 2011. Rita is a coach on and is a member of COMENSA and FNLPC. She is also listed as an Expert for Customer Service Coaching on