Your North Node will always points the Way.

When you’re feeling stuck or at a crossroads and need guidance or reassurance that you’re are on the right path, then your North Node can be a guide and a pointer to the right direction.

Why the North Node?
Life is fundamentally about growth and evolution, and so it is with each of our lives. We must grow, develop our potential, and become the best we can be. Your North Node will always push you in this direction as it offers new growth, new beginnings and challenges ahead. It isn’t easy and often takes us out of our comfort zone, but if we go with it and take up the challenges, then at the very least we are growing and at best we gain a great sense of self- satisfaction, fulfilment and wholeness.

The North Node is a Dumb Note.

Unlike the planets, the North Node has no energy and it is often activated by another person or a new situation that comes into your life. This will depend on how it is placed in your chart by aspect. If for example it has a blue aspect, (trines or sextiles) then activating your Node could bring opportunity to develop a potential skill or talent. If it has a red aspect, (squares or oppositions) then this indicates challenges and real effort on your part, which you may feel reluctant to face. The Node that has green aspects (semi-sextile/quincunx) could manifest itself where you are always seeking, questioning or longing for what your North Node can offer or represent. Bear in mind what I said at the beginning, that the North Node can be brought into play in your life by another person, another situation or by a desire that you may have. Someone or thing will set off your North Node!

The South Node

Your South Node shows what is innate and familiar to you. It is what comes naturally because it habit, behaviour patterns we atomically work from. This is a stagnant point which offers no growth, therefore staying in your comfort zone could well create feelings of being stuck, unfulfilled and with thought that you are not using your potential. There are however, many a qualities you have developed and have at your disposal, as well as bad habits, which can all be used or balanced out when you bring in and develop your North Node.

The Balancing Act of the Nodal Axis

As discussed the point of growth is the cultivation of the qualities of your North Node through a situation that stretches your potential, or a person who brings in a new dimension or opens up your attitude, mind or values. In essence, the North Node will help to balance out old habits or attitudes that hold you back. This in not to say that your South Node is wrong or bad-- after all we all need a comfort zone to retreat to when we are indeed challenged by our North Node!! Once you have activated your North Node to some degree then you can bring in the attributes of your South Node, which remember hold a lot of your qualities and skills. It is indeed a balancing act but it also acts as a good guide for a sign of equilibrium in your life. .

How the North Node can show you the way. .
So remember, when you feel stuck, need to make a decision, wonder if you’re doing the right thing are on the correct path, then look to your Nodal Axis! Are you staying in familiar waters where it is safe and secure or is someone or thing calling you to set sail? Ask yourself ‘ What am I doing or attempting to do is in tune with my North Node? Will it stretch me; help to develop something new, or balance out my life in some way. If it will then you have the answer. Keep in mind however, that whatever challenges that lie ahead as you reach to your North Node, you have the qualities of your South Node to rely on. .

Author's Bio: 

Astrologer Lucinda Tinsley uses the Birth Chart as a tool for Self-Enlightenment.
Her Business 'Life Guiding Astrology' is ideal for those who are interested in their own development, fulfilling their potential and gaining Self-Empowerment.