As I mentioned in previous articles, carbohydrates are necessary and vital for energy metabolism. While severely restricting carbohydrate intake can have ill side effects, ingesting a large amount of them can have detrimental effects on your health as well.

Too Much Carbs- High Glycemic…

First off, it’s important to choose carbohydrates that are good for you- Low Glycemic Carbohydrates- because simply put, if you don’t, there is an exceedingly unfavorable chance you will end up being one of the millions that are diagnosed with the commonly known disease ‘diabetes’. This disease has had an astounding growth of 600% increase in just the last generation alone. If you prize your health and not having to worry about shooting yourself with insulin or letting a disease control your day to day activity, then I strongly suggest, that you take note and and choose from my list of good carbs (below) each time you eat.

Too Little Carbs…

If carbohydrate intake is completely restricted, your body will actually start to use its stored fat for energy (ketosis)… thus the popularity of the Atkins Diet. But let’s face it, who can live a life without carbs? Once you start to introduce them back into your diet, the weight comes on faster than it went off. Eventually, this state of ketosis leaves an unhealthy amount of acids, as in acid residue, throughout your blood stream (ketoacidosis). Who wants that? Other side effects are:

Tiredness and fatigue Headache Prolonged Thirst Bad Breath Weakness Nausea and Stomach Ache Dizziness Poor circulation Trouble sleeping Metallic taste in mouth Lack of vitamins & minerals

So why not be realistic about it and keep eating carbs- Good For You Carbs. Then you can look forward to these side effects:

Abundant health Simple weight loss Consistent mental clarity Alertness Keeping your sugar and insulin at a healthy constant Healthy metabolism Curb sugar cravings Satisfaction at meals (feeling full) Healthy digestive tract Crave healthy food

Check Out This Video and A MUST KNOW for Everyone...

To find out more on how to change your cravings, reduce insulin production and RESET your food cravings, Visit this site...


If you stick with this regimen you can change your health and even how you feel, lifelong. There is no denying the Research.

Some Hints...

Eat often, about every three hours even if you aren't hungry. Yes, the shake is considered eating. ;-)

Make sure you start a program you when you can implement and plan your meals. They are very simple, but don't try to start when you know you will be traveling out of town.

When you're done, don't stop. Making this change to your diet for only 5-7 days is simple. Although, after that time it should be easy to stick to your new menu probably because of How YOU LOOK and How YOU FEEL. Don't stop there. Just gradually add some protein and keep making proactive approaches to your health. If you have 5 lbs to lose in 5 days, I'm positive you will.

If you need any assistance at all- Please don't hesitate to contact me. I'd love to help you improve your health.

You can see my personal testimony when I did the RESET diet- How I completely reset my cravings, naturally, and lost 5 inches and 8 lbs as a side effect... http://chantelclark.com/lose-5lbs-in-5-days-healthily/

To Your Health,

Chantel C.

Author's Bio: 

I am a proud mother and thankful for a loving marriage. I am fun-loving and I have an unpredictable humor. I’m sure I can be painstakingly analytical through logic of a need to reason. I get a thrill out of playing and teaching sports, pushing myself beyond my limits, and motivating others.
I have a great satisfaction of art and a job well done, enjoy being around positive, interesting & motivational people who experience their true passion and purpose.
"Remember the Possibilities of Tomorrow as You Strive for Today".