Upholstery needs regular cleaning because it accumulates a lot of dust, dirt and hair. I also gets stain very often because we use it every day. The problem is that most of us use commercial cleaners to do that and they all have chemicals in them which may damage the fibres if you use them regularly. That is why the better idea is to make your own natural upholstery cleaning solution. Here is what you need to do:

The first you need to know is why home made cleaners are better than commercial ones. The problem with the commercial ones is that they contain harsh chemicals, which can not only damage the fibres of your upholstery, but they are also unhealthy for you and your family. They also cost quite a lot because of those chemicals. That is why it is much better to use home made green cleaners. They contain only natural products from your household and they are absolutely safe for you to use. They are also safe for your upholstery. Even if you do not have everything that you need in you home. You can always find it in the nearest store and it will be really cheap. As a plus, home made cleaners are very eco-friendly. So, why use expensive commercial cleaners, which contain chemicals and are not safe to use, when you can use cheap natural cleaners?

Before you use cleaners on your upholstery, there are a few steps that you need to do, in order to keep your upholstery clean. The first thing you need to do is to regularly vacuum your upholstery. Every time you vacuum your floor, make sure you spent 5 minutes to do that as well. Use the brush attachment on your vacuum. This way you will collect even more dust and hair.

If you have a pet and there is a lot of pet hair on your upholstery, the easiest way to remove it is to wet a rubber glove and wipe the upholstery with it. This way all the hair will stick to the glove.

After you have done the other steps, cleaners form upholstery cleaning Melbourne say that you can now make your own cleaner. The first thing you need to do is to find a plastic container and in it mix together 3 cups of warm water with ½ cup of liquid dish washing detergent. Stir the solution well until suds form.

Then, take a white cloth and dip it into the soapy solution. Wring out all the excess water. Make sure that the cloth is not dripping and that the cloth is white, otherwise if it is a coloured one, it may bleed onto the upholstery and make a bigger mess. After that, rub the stain, which you want to remove, with the solution. Work from the outside of the stain, towards the centre. This way you do not risk spreading the stain and making a bigger mess.

Once you have worked the solution into the stain, take a soft bristle brush and scrub the stain with it.

Then dampen a clean cloth with some water and wipe the area with it, this way you will rinse it off. Repeat until there is no more soapy solution left.

If there is any stain left, repeat the procedure, but this time, add a teaspoon of vinegar to the cleaning solution. Then rinse the solution off again.

Now it is time for drying. The best thing to do is to leave your upholstery to air dry. If you want to speed up the process, you can put a towel over the wet area and then put something heavy over it. Leave it for 20 minutes and then remove the towel. This way the towel will absorb the liquid from the upholstery and it will dry much quicker. Another thing you can do is to take a fan and aim it to blow towards the wet area. This way it will dry much faster.

As you see there is no need to use commercial cleaners to remove your upholstery stains.. You can do it yourself with some household products

Author's Bio: 

Jenifer Scott is a professional copywriter. She enjoys travelling around the world and sharing experience with others. Currently works with oven cleaning Sydney and provides first class cleaning tips straight from the professionals.