Looking to make money from home? It's no a pipe dream, nor is it easy money. People use the Internet to run viable businesses, buying a range of products at the wholesalers price, selling on eBay and then pocketing the difference. It does require a certain level of skill at marketing expertise, but you can earn a viable living right out of your home, providing quality merchandise while still earning yourself a percentage to make the workday worthwhile. Work in your pajamas, drink coffee until the sun strikes noon, but still run a viable business selling on eBay. Online wholesalers are willing to collaborate with you. That's how they make their money, and in the end, how you make yours.

In fact, you can work with some companies online to take care of pretty much all the back end inventory. All you do is order merchandise from wholesalers, distribute the product selling on eBay, and the shipping is handled by your distribution company. Not only do you not have to worry about shipping materials, mailing the items or even have to touch the inventory yourself, but you don't run a liability if it doesn't sell. Plus, if it doesn't sell, you're not at a loss.

Plenty of entrepreneurs get into the retail business. It makes sense that some entrepreneur would jump the pack and get into the entrepreneur business, the profession of serving entrepreneurs. The tedious job of establishing yourself as an entrepreneur is taken care of for you. All you've got to do is sell the product, and with the right merchandise, selling on eBay pretty much sells itself.

What will you sell? Name your product. That's already taken care of for you. All you've got to do is shop on the Internet wholesalers shelf. Pick the merchandise you want to try selling on eBay, list it on eBay, manage the sales as any eBay seller might, and pocket the profit you make from the sale. It's honest work, but it's on the Internet, so it's honest work in your pajamas in your own home. Skip the morning traffic commute locked in the metal box you call a car. Your commute could literally be the span of a 20 foot carpet. Yes, you have to work for a living, but do it in your own living room, home office, in slippers and a robe, selling on eBay at wholesalers prices. Set your own price, and earn a living in your own home.

Author's Bio: 

Karl Drago is the author of this article on wholesalers and the advantages of selling on eBay.