What does it mean to manifest with intent? It is our belief that this means what is showing up in your life is a result of being centered in self, balanced in approach, focused, deliberate and open in mind and heart. While that may seem to be quite a lot to have happen it really is not because they are all interconnected with each other.
To begin one must determine what it is you desire. What is it that you really want? What do you want to experience? Many of us start with what some call materialistic desires. You want a new home, wealth, fame, a new car. There is nothing wrong with desiring these things but it is when you become attached to the specifics that things can get a bit muddled for you. There are several schools of thought on how specific one needs to be. The best approach is to not be limiting and not to be attached to the specific descriptions. While being specific can help you in your visualizations, it can also be limiting for you may actually be able to manifest something you enjoy better than what you had originally visualized. You want to remain open to possibilities. There are limitless possibilities, more than our human minds can conceive of in any given moment. So while we may think we want a desire to manifest in a specific way, there are limitless possibilities of how it could manifest. As an example when it comes to the manifesting of money many see winning the lottery as the specific desire when actually it is just one way money can manifest.
If you were to solely focus on winning the lottery and attach yourself to that thought you actually are limiting the infinite other ways it could manifest. Sometimes we exclude thoughts related to other possibilities because we fear that it may manifest in a way that we think we do not want it to. That fear then limits the possibilities of how your desire manifests. The Universe through the Law of Attraction takes care of the how it manifest and we really do not need to place our attention and focus there. Where we do need to place your attention and focus is how the desire feels. When you visualize(day dream) of what it will be like to have more money, the things you can be, do and have be sure to allow yourself to feel the joy, happiness and delight those day dreams bring. You may not manifest the specifics of the day dream you most certainly will manifest experiences that are a vibrational match what you are feeling. Using the pervious example, you will manifest more money but may not win the lottery in order to have that experience.
Once you determine what it is you desire and placed your focus and attention on how that feels you then get yourself into a place where your thoughts and feelings area reflection of each other. If you are visualizing your desire but your thoughts are saying something else, this will block and limit the manifestation. Your thoughts are based in having a limiting belief about your desire. So you want to be sure that you clear those beliefs and adopt new ones that reflect how you are feeling about your desire. This is an on going process and may take some time. Ignoring your thoughts and beliefs and trying to use mind power may give you some results but they are minimal and temporary.
So now here you are…. You have identified your desire, your thoughts and feelings are pulled together so your stuff should show up right? Not exactly! You now have to allow it to show up in any form. This can get muddled for you to. Allowing it to show up means you have to be ready to receive it in any form that it may take. As we said the possibilities are limitless. You need to use your trust, faith and belief. You need to follow your inspired thoughts which brings us to the last step…your action steps. Using our ongoing example, you maybe be inspired to change jobs, change careers, buy a lottery ticket, pick up the phone and call some one as just examples of what you might be inspired to do. The important thing to remember is to follow those inspired thoughts, gut instincts even if you can not see where it may lead you. Use your trust, faith and belief that you are taking yourself on the journey that will be full of joy, happiness and delight all along they way. You will marvel at what you are able to do and how everything happened perfectly in its own time.
Even though we broke this down in a step process so you could better understand the components, it all works together. All these things happen in synchronicity and harmony with each other. It all flows and you just have to flow with it. You are a creator who does so in joy and your manifestations can and will reflect that when you put your attention to how your desires feel, align your thoughts, beliefs and feelings with that desire, allow yourself to receive your desire by removing fear based limits and thought and take action on your inspired thoughts and instincts.
Mary Anne Cipressy is the co-owner of ITSC (In The Spirit Coaching). ITSC provides personal coaching on self empowerment, Mastering the Law of Attraction and being who you really are. We offer coaching services on the Law of Attraction and Dialoging Sessions where we read the fabric of ones energy to help identify limiting thoughts and blocks and to guide one in the direction of ones desires. Either coaching method is highly effective.
Mary Ane Cipressy also co-hosts and co-produces a talk radio program on blogtalkradio on all topics related to applying the Law of Attraction to ones life.
Mary Anne has co-written several workbooks on the use of the Law of Attraction.
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