In virtually any book about marketing, you typically learn about promotions and advertising. The fact is, marketing goes way beyond the typical to include:

•Internal marketing

•External marketing

•Online marketing

•Offline marketing

•Push/pull marketing

•Energy marketing, which includes your intention and using the Law of Attraction and visualization

All are necessary components of a wildly successful marketing program.

Internal Marketing
There are two types of internal marketing – the internal marketing of your business systems, and your internal guidance or intuitive process.

Internal marketing of your business systems is what you know about your company’s infrastructure that your customers may not know. Without knowing the ins and outs of your company’s infrastructure, it is nearly impossible to convey your strengths to the market. The more you know, the better you can position your message.

Your internal guidance has to do with the creative thoughts you have that you will either choose to act on, or not. Your success is determined by your ability to ascertain which thoughts are most beneficial to act on at any given time and which should be tabled for later exploration.

External Marketing
External marketing is what the world sees or perceives. It includes your:




•Social media marketing

•Direct marketing

•Marketing material including business cards, letterhead, and logo

•Product development

•How you present yourself when out in public (your professionalism, attire, and grooming)

Does your external image match your internal reality?

External marketing is a direct reflection of how successful you will be. If you cut corners to save a few dollars, the image you project might not attract the market you are targeting. On the other hand, you can overinvest in external marketing if your target customer is a thrifty one.

How You Dress is Part of Both Internal and External
What used to be considered the standard attire for success – a suit and tie for men and a dress or pantsuit for women – is no longer required. Today there are countless types of attire one can wear and still look professional. For example, if an artist were to wear a suit and tie in their business setting, they might look out of place. Your attire should match the image you want to project. In my case, I went from wearing business suits to jeans, blazers, nice blouses, and western boots. This fits my branding and my market. What image do you want to project and what will your market feel comfortable with? It’s about being authentic. Don’t try to be someone you’re not. The market demands authenticity more each day.

To achieve a complete approach to your marketing it is essential to have an awareness of both the internal and external aspects of what you do.

Author's Bio: 

Kathleen Gage: Receive Power Profits 101: Must-Dos in Marketing
to Make More Money This Month Than Your Entire Last Year! FREE video

Kathleen works with consciously focused speakers, authors, coaches and consultants helping them to build six figure businesses by packaging their knowledge so they can reach more of their market, impact positive change and create multiple streams of revenue.