If I were a massage therapist and wanted to grow or start my business here’s what I would do.

1. First of all I would determine exactly why people in my marketing and service area would need a massage. There are a lot of basic reasons, like
• Alleviating back pain, joint pain
• Helping athletes or people who exercise a lot to have shorter “recovery” periods
• Reducing muscle spasms or recovering from an injury
• Helping to release endorphins, the body’s natural painkiller
• Helping expectant mothers with pregnancy pains and prepare them for labor
• Promoting healthier skin
• Providing a relaxing relief from stress
but I would look for area specific and time-period specific reasons to capitalize on them – what happened or is happening that my massages could help.

2. Second, I would write – or have written for me – a series of articles about each of these problems that people were experiencing – maybe 3 or 4 short articles (300 – 800 words) on each subject.

3. Third, I would buy a domain name that people who are looking for relief might search for – something like “BackacheHelp.com” or “PregnancyHelp.com”. I would register the domain and get a hosting account. Cost: Less than $20.00 plus $5.00 or less per month.

4. Fourth I would create a website using a free WordPress theme. The website would be for the purpose of generating leads – people who wanted what my massages could provide for them. I would offer them one of the articles (in step 2) for free to get them to give me their first name and their email address. That way I could begin a “conversation” with them after they had opted in.

5. Fifth I would get an auto responder system (from free to $15.00 monthly) so I could communicate with my leads. I would send them the other articles one at a time. The purpose of this is to get those prospects to know me and to like me and to trust me. I would deliver more valuable content in these emails.

6. Sixth, then if I really wanted to do a good job I would create some short videos showing people what they could do to get relief. Videos can be very easy using free or low cost products. I would put one video on the website opt-in page. All others would be available only to those people who opted in and with whom I am building a relationship.

7. Seventh, I would create a short series of emails to send to my list after I had sent my articles to them. I would ask them to contact me for more relief from their issues.

8. As a result of this marketing effort, I would get so many massage customers that, if they all came in at one time, they would form a line out the door and around the block.

By the way, if I wasn’t a massage therapist, then I would follow this same exact short marketing plan, too. And if you’re concerned that you would be giving away too much information, well, that’s not even possible. If you were selling a book that you had written, you could send them – piece by piece – the entire book and everyone who would have bought the book would still buy the book.

Author's Bio: 

Bill Hebert, St. Louis, MO. Bill has several decades of experience as both a business owner as well as a business trainer and teacher. He believes in obtaining a high ROI on any and all advertising and marketing money spent by a business. If you cannot track the results of a campaign, then don't do that campaign. For more information, visit http://MindsetAndMarketingConcepts.com.