It is an extremely sad state of affairs that military veterans pay such a high price for defending the nation. While veterans are at risk during combat, they are also at a greater risk of exposure to asbestos than the average American.

Many veterans would like to blame the military and the government, but the real culprit is the insatiable greed of manufacturers. Manufacturers were aware of the risks associated with asbestos exposure, yet they continued to use it in their products simply because it was cost-friendly and fire resistant.

Asbestos exposure is one of the major causes of mesothelioma, a type of cancer that attacks the protective lining covering most organs in the body. Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer, symptoms of which may surface only decades after exposure. On an estimate, nearly one-third of mesothelioma patients have served in the U.S. Army at some point in their lives. A substantial percentage of 24 million military veterans have experienced long-term, on-the-job exposure to asbestos.

Military personnel who labored in the shipyards with the Navy are at higher risk. Asbestos insulation was extensively used before the 1980s in ships for insulating steam pipes, fireproofing doors, and soundproofing. However, it must be noted that asbestos was identified as a carcinogenic substance in the 1950s. Manufacturers who used asbestos were aware of the hazards long before that.

If someone is a military veteran and has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, he or she may receive compensation by consulting a meso law firm that can represent the case against negligent manufacturers. As stated earlier, mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer that can spread rapidly. While searching for a meso law firm it is imperative that he or she finds one that can expedite a case. By expediting a case one may receive quicker redress.

A mesothelioma lawsuit may require a national meso law firm that can handle all aspects of the case. A meso law firm should be able to handle the case no matter the jurisdiction under which the case has been filed. Baron and Budd, P.C. is a national meso law firm that has helped many veterans in their fight against asbestos manufacturers. Please visit their Web site for more information about this meso law firm, their commitment to protecting the rights of American citizens, and the work they have done for veterans suffering from mesothelioma. For more information about mesothelioma, please visit

Author's Bio: 

Vicky is an experienced writer who's been dealt an unfortunate hand of cards. Recently, he found out that a member of his family has been diagnosed with the terrible disease, mesothelioma. Since this diagnosis, he and his family have sought assistance from a seasoned, Mesothelioma law firm. Although Vicky is hardly an expert on this subject, he is a strong advocate of their meso law firm and wishes to help inform others with legal news, treatment information, and more.