Once upon a time, in the city of Bathgate, Scotland, a full term pregnant girl, poorly dressed, was walking around the streets of the city aimlessly, carelessly but with great passion. She was quite educated, but no work at that very moment had put her in the most vulnerable situation. She had not a single penny in her bag to buy something for her future child. Even then she was selecting things for her child and enjoying window-shopping every day. Once she selected a white snow suit for her child- that she would never be able to buy in her entire life. Even then she had a glimpse of it each day!

One day I was roaming around, and then suddenly I saw the same girl looking for something from the Black Bin box for ages. I thought she was stealing something from that bin box. I followed her and quietly watched her being curious to find what the hell is she looking into that bin!

You know that she was searching for some soft toys in the bin and putting them into her bag with a great sense of achievement! It seemed as if she wanted to buy them, but could not afford it due to her poverty and lack. She just could not resist the urge!

On inquiry, she told me she had never experienced such a feeling in her entire life. She could live without money, clothing, shoes, bags, rings or whatsoever – but this time surprisingly, she felt much compelled by the thought of toys for her child that could not resist the temptation! At that moment, I felt as if she is no more a woman- rather a mother! Her nature is Mother Nature!


Author's Bio: 

Mona Aeysha, PhD, is an Educational and Developmental Psychologist, have been working as a Teacher, Counselor and Researcher in several institutes of China, Pakistan and Cambodia. Her major areas of interest are: self –esteem, self-concept, conceptual psychology, belief psychology, self psychology, preferential psychology, cultural psychology and women psychology.