We all know or have come across someone who has bad breath, halitosis, or oral malodor. No matter what term you use bad breath stink. I know we all have worked with a person whose breath just about knocked you to the floor.

No one is immune to bad breath, not even if you regularly visit the dentist. Bad breath odors can be caused by any number of things. Bacteria on the teeth, gums, and tongue produce sulfur compounds and even the most advance toothbrush can't reach into all the nooks and crannies where food borne bacteria hide.

But our bodies do produce about three pints of saliva a day to wash away particles that toothbrushes and floss miss. Saliva contains minerals to help repair microscopic tooth decay.

When your mouth become dry bacteria multiply and will create a stink that can cause your breath to smell not good. If this is the case just drink water and it should help lubricate the dryness.

There are other health conditions that can cause bad breath. Some of these conditions are liver and Kidney diseases, diabetes, and respiratory and sinus infections. If you don't know why your breath smells see your doctor or your dentist so they can get to the bottom of what is causing your problem.

There are natural healing foods that will help in eliminating bad breath. Our bodies are crawling with all sort of flora to keep harmful organisms from multiplying out of control. Bacteria that flourish at the back of the throat produce hydrogen sulfide, a common cause for a foul-smelling mouth.

Bacteria that are found in yogurt may keep the bad germs under control. There was research done by the Japanese that gave participants 3oz of unsweetened yogurt twice a day for 6 weeks and the hydrogen sulfide levels decreased in over half of those with confirmed bad breath.

But scientists aren't exactly sure how hydrogen sulfide levels decreased in over half of those with confirmed halitosis. Also as a bonus plaque and gingivitis were significantly reduced. It's possible that the beneficial organisms in yogurt, streptococcus thermophilus and lactobacillus bulgaricus, simply crowd out the foul bacteria or create a hostile environment for them.

If you don’t have mouthwash on hand here are things you can do to rid yourself of bad breath: You can chew these gums that they have out today but they only cover the odor. The best gum to chew for bad breath is cinnamon gum. Gums that contain the essential oil cinnamaldehyde can actually eliminate odors and even prevent the growth of new stinky bacteria.

Gum with cinnamaldehyde after 20 minutes of chewing reduced mouth bacteria by 50%. Bacteria at the back of the tongue were decreased by 43%.

Cranberries help fight bacteria on tissue surfaces, making them very helpful in preventing bacteria from sticking to the teeth which can help to fight bad breath. Drinking cranberry juice on a regular basis will aid in preventing dental problems like decay and fighting plaque, and help to prevent and relieve bad breath. Make sure to drink small amounts of cranberry juice because drinking large amounts will have the opposite effect on your bad breath and teeth due to the sugar in the juice.

Celery has been used to help aid the fight with bad breath. Celery helps to remove food particles on the teeth and the tongue, due to its stringy consistency; it also helps to floss between the teeth. So if you don't have a toothbrush snack on a piece of celery.

Healing foods for bad breath is very effective but it should never be replaced for proper oral hygiene. Both oral hygiene and healing foods will work in helping to eliminate halitosis.

Author's Bio: 

This article is brought to you by Chandra Nash. I’m a wife, mother, and an Entrepreneur. If you would like to learn more about Chandra Nash please click on my name to read my profile.