My Ex Boyfriend Called Me - What Do I Say To Get Into A Relationship Again; How are you supposed to sweep in and win back his heart after a breakup if you don't even know what to say when your ex boyfriend calls you? You're aware of all the dangers of going in blind and trying to wing it, but that doesn't help you figure out what should be said. Making a mistake here can be fatal.

The good news is that you're in the right place. By following the techniques below, you can turn any conversation to your advantage and get yourself on the road to reconciliation quickly and easily.

A complete solution to help you get your ex back into your life is provided at the end of this write-up (Author's Bio), meanwhile let's build the foundation.

Everything you think and feel about the breakup has to change. If you've been reveling in a pity party, it's time to put away the decorations and clean house. Any less-than-positive emotions tend to appear in conversation and can damage your ability to reverse the process. Now is not the time for anger or disappointment. You've decided that getting back together is what you truly want, so act like this is the guy you want to be with and you love the person he is - regardless of his past mistakes.

It's often said that you cannot embrace the future if your wrists are chained to the past. By working past the negative aspects of the breakup and choosing to head towards the future with your eyes wide open, you're making a huge difference in the way that you're perceived and that will certainly extend to the way your ex sees you as well. The smallest or most imperceptible changes in your eyes will seem huge to an outside observer. You have become the object of most guys' fondest desire - a woman who is willing to put a positive spin on even the most negative of circumstances and sure of herself. It's a huge step, and one that deserves to be applauded.

Now you need to apply the brakes to your continual forward motion and take some time to relax. You've done all the hard work to improve your attitude and your emotional state. Instead of pushing ahead and pursuing your ex, it's time that the shoe is on the other foot. If you want to make him contact you, your best option is to cut ties completely.

Stop the email string or the text messages. Don't be tempted to call him. Don't give him any ammunition in the form of information that he can use to continue on the way things have been. If he wants to know what you're up to, he's going to have to come to you. The information he's after is not going to be at his fingertips whenever he wants to feel better about his decision to end things. The ball is now in his court and you've played the game sufficiently to make sure that you have the home-court advantage.

It's like spending weeks training for an event - you're on the cusp of a championship and the last thing you want to do is undermine all your hard work. It's time for your ex-boyfriend to put in some of the effort and even the playing field. As his curiosity grows, so will his compulsive instinct to talk to you. If he tries sending you a text, don't reply. Make him pick up that phone and dial your number. Make him feel uneasy since he doesn't know where he stands. If you reassert your positive mind-set you'll be in the best position possible to keep him on his toes.

Rather than welcoming the conversation with exuberance and outpouring information, keep him on his guard. If he's starting to get the picture that your feelings for him are not quite as constant as he'd like to believe, he's going to become particularly uneasy. That uneasiness is the key that's going to push him in the right direction. By making him uncomfortable within the breakup, you're going to start changing his perception and once that happens, you're well on your way to winning him back for good.

When your ex boyfriend calls, you're balancing on a tightrope of varying emotions but you've become adept at handling emotions and keeping them out of your calm, rational state of mind. That means that you can easily talk to your ex without letting on that you've been waiting for this moment and he'll be none the wiser. Your ex should be responsible for the majority of the conversation since he made the initiative. That takes the pressure off you and allows you to carefully construct your sentences to keep away from saying something potentially harmful to the end goal. Overall, the conversation needs to be short and simple - like a conversation with a casual acquaintance and not the guy that you still love.

Be prepared for a conversation that should be somewhere between two to four minutes max. That gives your ex time enough to explain why he called and for you to express your appreciation for his call. Any longer and you're delving into potential dangerous or tense silences and territory that is better left avoided. Be prepared to cut the conversation short when he pauses. Tell him that although you enjoyed talking to him for a minute, you're a little bit busy right now and you've really got to go.

When your ex boyfriend calls you, you need to say as little as possible and let him come to his own conclusions. That means you can focus on your own mental clarity and put yourself in the best position emotionally to be able to win him back for good.

Your Next Steps

Knowing what to say to your ex boyfriend when he calls is one thing, there is so much more work involved in getting your ex boyfriend back. First thing you will have to do is determine how your ex boyfriend feels about you. He will be exhibiting signs he still loves you, even if he is unaware of it. Knowing where you stand is key here, it will stop you making a fool of yourself.

After that you will have to be aware of how to make him want you back. This will encourage future communication and will heighten his desire for you. Visit blog links under at Author’s Bio for highly effective tips for an ex boyfriend and get him falling in love with you all over again.

Do you want your ex to come back to you? Discover all it takes to make your ex want you back by visiting this website: How To Get Your Ex Back

Author's Bio: 

Hi, I am Vanessa Moore, a relationship coach specializing in breakups and dating.

On my website you will find the complete guide to bring your ex back to you, here's the link again: How To Make Your Ex Want You Back

Wish you godspeed...