You've been dealing with so many things since the break up, haven't you? You have to juggle the sadness, with the loneliness with the apprehension that comes with not knowing what your future holds. You miss your ex and you feel compelled at times to tell him as much, don't you? Maybe it's in the form of phone call after phone call or perhaps you share your innermost feelings in text messages with him. Regardless, you probably regret it soon after you do it. In the case of text messages, there's always the sinking feeling in your stomach when he doesn't respond. Dealing with an ex boyfriend who ignores your texts isn't easy to do. Internally you feel a whole range of emotions from disappointment to rage. They're all to be expected, but how you respond to his refusal to write back can determine exactly what's going to happen between you two in the future.

Whenever a woman says, "my boyfriend doesn't text me back," she's lowering her own self worth. She's putting her emotions on the line for a man who doesn't have the decency to even acknowledge her. Nothing stings quite as much as being in love with someone who pretends you don't exist. It's actually even more emotionally wrenching when that person happens to be your ex boyfriend. You know that he's capable of loving you because he did very much at one time. Now your relationship has deteriorated to the point that he doesn't even put in the effort to respond. That's the very reason why you have to stop for a moment, and clearly think about what you're doing before you send another text his way. For what to say in a text to get him back, see this page!

The next move you should be making if he is repeatedly ignoring your text messages is to stop sending them! I can't stress this enough. You must break the cycle that you've created for yourself. You send him a message, you wait eagerly for a response, a day passes and you hear nothing and it sinks you into a vat of depressed feelings. You get angry with yourself for doing it and you swear that you won't do it again, yet you do. It's completely understandable why you do it. You love him and you don't want to miss your chance to have a future with him. That's why you have to change your pattern of behavior and show your ex that you're no longer that scared, lonely girl who is going to chase after him endlessly.

If you don't feel you have the willpower to stop texting your ex boyfriend, delete his contact information from your phone. I realize this feels drastic, but it's for your own good. You're going to be much less tempted to contact him if his number isn't accessible. I recognize that you likely have his number memorized along with his birthday and favorite color, but you must do whatever it takes to stop texting him. Deleting his number is truly more symbolic than anything. You'll be proving to yourself that you're stronger than your weakest emotions. Make your ex beg to take you back, go here!

Once you've done that it's time to shift your focus to your own life and what you can do right now to find happiness. View this time as an emotional holiday. Try your best to push aside all the negative emotions you've associated with the break up and instead look towards the future. Don't focus on what you want your relationship to be as you move forward, but what you want your life in general to be like. Is there a career goal you have yet to achieve? Have you always wanted to try a new hobby and just haven't had the time. Now is when you should be diving into the things you really want for yourself, not for you as part of a potential couple with your ex.

Give yourself a few weeks to get over what happened with you and your ex. During that time, do what you can to resist the temptation to text him. You also need to mindful of avoiding him in person and staying away from emailing him or contacting him on any social network sites. You're taking an "ex boyfriend break" so ensure you keep yourself out of his life. Once some time has passed, you can then logically decide what you want for your life. Put yourself and your needs first. It's the most important thing.

When it comes to getting your ex boyfriend back you need to think with your head and not with your heart.

First and foremost you have to carefully consider what went wrong with the relationship. If you contributed to the break up because of a certain behavior pattern you need to break it immediately. It may have been that you were overly jealous, that you didn't like his friends or that you wanted a commitment. Whatever it was, it has to stop now. Telling your ex boyfriend that you are a changed woman won't work. You need to show him through your actions. This means not repeating the behavior when you are around him. When you are asking yourself the question how do I make him want me back be honest and acknowledge what you have done wrong. Then correct it. Learn how to correct your mistakes and get your ex back, click here now!

Spending too much time focusing on your ex can actually backfire as well. Many women feel panicked immediately after a break up and in order to pacify their own fears they barrage their ex with phone calls, emails and text messages. If you are doing this it has to stop right now. Men handle difficult situations much differently than women do and your ex needs time and space to think things through. He can't do that if you are always right there. Don't contact him endlessly. Let him come to you.

Never share too many details about your relationship problems with any mutual friends. Most people just aren't good at keeping this information to themselves. Many people also just want to help and their idea of aiding you in this situation might be to go to your ex boyfriend and tell him everything you told them. If you feel the need to express your anger, sadness or longing for your ex get a journal. Writing things down is actually very helpful. You'll be able to express your emotions without fear of someone running to your ex and telling them. You can even make a list of things to do under the title how do I make him want me back. This will prove incredibly helpful and can include things like becoming more positive, making a great impression and showing him how great you are together by dropping subtle hints of wonderful times you've had.

Now you can stop your break up or lover’s rejection...even if your situation seems hopeless! Visit How to Get Your Ex Back

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There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying... Visit Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back to find out more.