In my continued research for Natural Cancer Cures, I was pleasantly surprised when I started reading the book ‘The Cure For all Cancers” By Hulda Regehr Clark, Ph.D.,N.D. She quickly identifies the cause of cancer, and then immediately describes the cure… all in the first twenty-five pages of the 539 page book!

THE CAUSE - Dr. Clark maintains that cancer is caused by the presence of parasites in the body, in particular, the intestinal fluke Fasciolopsis buskii AND the presence of solvents such as isopropyl alcohol, benzene, methanol, xylene, toluene and others which occur as residues in our foods, and body products such as toothpaste, mouthwash, lotions, shampoos and cosmetics.

She discovered that different solvents accumulate in different organs. For instance isopropyl alcohol accumulates in the liver, resulting in the completion of the life cycle of the intestinal fluke in the liver. This in turn initiates the cancerous process, which is the production of the mitotic stimulant, ortho-phospho-tyrosine. The presence of an adult fluke in the liver signals the production of ortho-phospho-tyrosine in a distant organ, and that organ appears to be selected on the basis of copper and fungus presence as well as other carcinogens.

The difference between persons who accumulate isopropyl alcohol and those who metabolize it promptly is the presence of aflatoxin B. The combination of aflatoxin B and isopropyl alcohol in the liver results in the formation of human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG). Once HCG becomes widespread throughout the body it is followed by the formation of ortho-phospho-tyrosine. Aflatoxins are contaminants of our foods and may also be produced by the growing mycelia of Aspergillus. These mycelia growths are only seen in the presence of copper.

Dr. Clark has observed that the removal of isopropyl alcohol, copper and mycotoxins from the patient’s lifestyle, along with the destruction of all intestinal fluke stages, as well as elimination of undercooked meats and dairy products in the diet results in quick recovery (usually in less than one week), for cancers of ALL KINDS! Dr. Clark predicts that cancer could be eradicated in a very short time simply by clearing our food, animals and household pets of fluke parasites and by monitoring all food and feed for solvents. The stopping of mycotoxins consumption and usage of copper water pipes must also be done, because the water transfers the copper right into our beautiful copper-piped homes.

Since the intestinal fluke is present in various stages of development throughout our bodies in blood, breast milk, saliva, semen and urine, it can be easily transmitted sexually and by kissing on the mouth and breast feeding. However, it is important to note that the recipient would develop cancer ONLY if isopropyl alcohol were accumulated in his or her body from aflatoxin consumption.

We have been led to believe for many years that cancer is different from other diseases and that it can’t be cured, and this is not the TRUTH and hasn’t been for many many years!

Dr. Clark has set out to show humanity with her book that all cancers are alike! They are all caused by the same parasite: the human intestinal fluke! And if you kill this parasite, the cancer immediately stops growing, and the tissue becomes normal again! Dr. Clark has discovered that ALL cancer patients (100%) have BOTH isopropyl alcohol and the intestinal fluke in their livers. The solvent (iso)propyl alcohol is responsible for allowing the fluke to establish itself in the liver. To get cancer, you must have both the intestinal parasite AND some form of propyl alcohol in your body.

The human intestinal fluke has various stages of development that it goes through to keep producing. The egg is the first stage. The adult produces million of eggs and they pass out of us with bowel movements, however, the adult, stays tightly attached to our intestine (or liver, causing cancer, or uterus, causing endometriosis, or thymus, causing AIDS, or kidney, causing Hodgkin’s disease).

From time to time, it is not unusual for most of us to get little lesions in our intestines, and these sores allow the microscopic eggs to be pulled into the blood stream. Some of the eggs actually hatch in the intestine or in the blood. These hatchlings are called miracidia and are the second stage of the intestinal fluke development. The liver usually receives them and kills them, as part of its job to dispose the body of toxins, so they have no chance to survive in normal, or healthy people. BUT WHEN A PERSON HAS PROPYL ALCOHOL IN THEIR BODIES, their liver is unable to trap and kill the intestinal flukes in their second stage and they are allowed to make their home and grow in the liver, as well as other organs! Once the miracida are allowed to settle, they start to make little balls inside themselves, called redia. But each one pops out of the miracidia and begins to reproduce. Each redia can easily make 40 more redia! This parasite is laying eggs and producing millions of redia in your body organ(s)! The redia travel in your bloodstream, landing in whatever tissue allows them, especially in glands and organs that are full of heavy metals. As the redia make nest in your body’s organs, they transform their shape and sprout a tail so that they can swim again. Now, they are in their forth stage of development called cercaria. When the cercaria find a place to attach, they glue themselves to your tissue, lose their tails, and they begin to grow a “cocoon”, which is called metacercaria. It is not clear yet as to whether the propyl alcohol in your body dissolves this tough cocoon shell, which removes the last barrier to the fluke completing its entire life cycle and becoming an adult wherever it happens to be in your body! As soon as the adults appear in the liver, the growth factor, called ortho-phospho-tyrosine appears, which makes cells divide, and now your cells will begin to divide too!...And now you officially have cancer. If you do not kill this parasite production machine, it will take over your body.

The good news is that when the intestinal fluke and all its stages of development have been killed, that ortho-phospho-tyrosine disappears within 24 hours! Your cancer is gone. The damaged tissue has to be repaired, but your cancer cannot come back, unless you start mistreating yourself again with parasites and isopropyl alcohol toxification.

So Dr. Clark discovered that the steps to curing cancer, wherever it is in the body, boiled down to 3 steps: 1) Kill the parasite and all its stages., 2) Stop allowing propyl alcohols into your body (in any form), and 3) Flush out the metals and toxins from your body, so that you can get well.

The usage of Herbal Parasite Remedies today is almost non-existent. The Native Indians knew that we have parasites just like other animals and performed frequent purges to rid themselves of any parasite invaders. Why have we forgotten these wise practices? Eczema is due to roundworms; seizures are caused by a single roundworm, Ascaris, getting into the brain; schizophrenia and depression are caused by parasites in the brain; asthma is caused by Ascaris in the lungs; diabetes is caused by the pancreatic fluke of cattle, Eurytrema; migraines are caused by the threadworm, Strongyloides; acne is caused by aleishmania, and much heart disease is caused by dog heartworm, Dirofilaria.


Removing all of these different parasites would be absolutely impossible using pharmaceutical medicines that can kill only one or two parasites each, plus they tend to make you very ill. Yet, in the Nature’s “herbal medicine store”, there are three herbs that can rid you of over 100 types of parasites, and without nasty side affects! They are : Black Walnut Hulls (from the black walnut tree), Wormwood (from the Artemisia shrub), and Common Cloves (from the clove tree). When these three herbs are taken together, they CAN CURE ALL CANCERS! The black walnut hull and wormwood kill adults and the developmental stages of at least 100 parasites, while the cloves kill the eggs. So you can easily see why they must be used together as one single treatment , otherwise, you will not be able to completely remove them from the body.

Please note that it is the green hull surrounding the nut of the black walnut tree that has this miraculous parasiticide. After it has turned black, it is useless. The large green balls fall to the ground in the early fall. In a few weeks, they will be black and decaying. Therefore, you must be timely with your harvesting of the nuts, if you are going to make the tincture yourself. Because time is of greatest essence, you may want to order the Black Walnut Tincture through the mail, but be sure that their tincture is not black in the bottle , but instead a light green. You will only need one ounce of this powerful herb. It is also recommended that you grow your own wormwood from seeds. Be sure to purchase artemisia absynthium for your garden. The leaves are greenish gray and very bitter. It is also available in capsules combined with other herbs. The third herb is the same clove that is a common spice used in baking. The whole cloves can be ground up in a blender or grinder, so that it parasite-killing properties can be released. You will need about 100 capsules of ground cloves (size 00).


You may wonder, ”Are there any substitutes for the black walnut, wormwood, or cloves?” If you have cancer and need to start the removal of the parasites in your body, you may start using other herbs and vitamins that have been used to treat cancer, which may possibly work by killing some stages of fluke growth, or have some other value which is helpful in inhibiting parasitic growth. For instance, Red Clover Blossoms contain an inhibitor, called Genistein, which inhibits ortho-phospho-tyrosine formation.

Some Alternatives are the following:

• Red Clover Blossoms (2 capsules, 3 x a day)
• Pau D’ Arco (2 capsules, 3x a day)
• Vitamin C (10 or more grams per day)
• Laetrile (as directed by source)
• Fresh squeezed Wheat Grass juice
• Fresh Grapes and grape juice (with no meat in the diet)
• Echinacea (2 capsules, 3x a day)
• Metabolic enzymes, take as directed
• The macrobiotic diet

As soon as you are in possession of the “big three” herbs, you can either stop taking these substitutes or continue to use them as well, right along with the Parasite Killing Program outlined on the Your Natural Cancer Cures website SEARCH = DR.HULDA CLARK.

You may ask, “Where are these propyl alcohol products?” The answer is almost EVERYWHERE: cosmetics, shampoo, hair spray, toothpaste, mouthwash, mousse, body lotions, shaving supplies, and rubbing alcohol. It’s even present in many foods because of the sanitization process utilized when cleaning various food processing equipment. A good practice to follow is…”If in doubt, throw it out!”
Propyl alcohol is a pollutant in most cold cereals! STOP BUYING ALL COLD CEREALS! Even the natural ones are polluted. Make your own cereals!

All in all, “The Cure For All Cancers” by Dr. Clark, is a MUST READ book for anyone serious about their health and staying CANCER-FREE for life!


Author's Bio: 

Annie Pierce has been a practicing herbal enthusiast for over 30 years making compounds for the healing of family and friends. About 25 years ago she cured herself from the beginning stages of Breast Cancer by creating a powerful blood cleanser made of 36 powerful herbs historically known to rid the body of toxins and cleanse the blood.

In 2009 she began researching Natural Cancer Cures and created her first blog, and one year later created another new and improved blog site which contains articles as well as videos for its visitors' educational experience. Together the two sites attract over 12,000 monthly Unique Visitors and the numbers are growing rapidly.