I am excited to deliver one of the development partners inaugural “Tech Talks” at RelativityFest this fall. These presentations are entirely new for this year’s conference. The folks at Relativity asked us to consider this something like a “TED Talk.” For me, that is a high hurdle. Over the years, I’ve watched hundreds of TED talks. I return to a few of them again and again. The really good ones are an effective mix of education and call to action and can be (at least for me) life changing. Like I said… that’s a high hurdle.

With that hurdle in mind, I am giving considerable thought to my topic. Initially, I was confident that I should speak on all of the exciting new developments around the use of AI in eDiscovery. We (iControl ESI and the industry in general) have made significant advances in the last few years. I’m certain you’ve seen the AI full-court-press in industry this year. This stuff excites technologists. It excites me, and I love to talk about it.

On the other hand, I remembered some of the statistics measuring attorney adoption of these new technologies. Those numbers are pretty grim. The Aberdeen Group found, in a 2017 survey “STRATEGIES TO IMPROVE THE PERFORMANCE OF EDISCOVERY TEAMS,” that just 29% of responding organizations had adopted AI to help with eDiscovery. Interestingly, only another 24% of responding firms said that they ever planned to implement it.

More Info: https://www.icontrolesi.com/my-upcoming-relativityfest-tech-talk-on-some...

Author's Bio: 

In 1999, we founded iControl ESI around a single corporate account – a Fortune 50 global telecommunications equipment company that had seen exorbitant costs related to litigation support expenses.