Local business promotion surrounds us all day, every day, and some of it has become so integrated with the environment we may not even notice we're being targeted as potential customers. Effectively advertising your small business might be something as simple as a really creative and catchy sign affixed to your physical location. On the other hand it could be something as involved (and expensive) as radio advertising or television commercials informing the listening or viewing public about who you are, what you do and why they need your product or service. Ways to advertise your business are literally endless.

The bottom line is that you're in business to make a profit, which usually translates out to making a sale. This doesn't happen until someone walks through your door, rings up your phone or visits your website but, before they can find you, you need to effectively advertise your business. Here are a few of the many options:

• Get a listing in the local business directory
• Take out a Yellow Pages ad
• Participate in local business promotion type events
• Buy radio advertising
• Buy billboard advertising
• Submit press releases to your local newspaper


The fact is, local business promotion tactics like those listed above may have worked well twenty or thirty years ago but may have lost most of their pull. Newspaper ads are a good example. While fewer and fewer people are reading newspapers these days, advertising costs continue to escalate. It may not be a very cost effective way to promote your business.

In the old days, people were likely to "let their fingers do the walking" through the Yellow Pages to locate a business or product in which they had an interest. Now, however, they're much more likely to look to online business websites to fulfill their informational (and buying) needs. If your company doesn't incorporate Internet marketing sales as part of your business promotion program you're missing out on a huge opportunity to obtain new customers.


You may have noticed these days that many times when you see a company name, logo or advertisement you'll also see the company's website included. From a promotional standpoint this is essential. The more people who know your website, the more customers you'll most likely have.

If your son is involved in Little League baseball, you might consider sponsoring a sign on the outfield wall or even funding his team for uniforms and equipment. People like local companies who are active in helping the community in different ways.

Word of mouth advertising and referrals are always worth their weight in gold because a happy, satisfied customer can bring you lots of new business, especially when they have an incentive to do so. Discounts and special promotions like buy one, take one are also good forms of local business promotion and can bring in more traffic. Giveaways, such as free hats or t-shirts are also effective. Not only is the recipient happy to have scored a free gift, but every time they wear the hat or shirt it's like having a walking billboard! Don't forget to include your website!

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When you want local business promotion advice you may always do a search or simply visit our website http://www.rgvcomputerconsulting.com to find out more.