It can be extremely stressful to be called at every hour of the day by creditors who want to be paid. The difficulty for most people in this situation is that they cannot afford to pay the creditors the money that is owed, but do not know how to make things any better. The best solution to this problem will partly depend on your exact circumstances, but one of the most effective ways to deal with debt can be negotiating settlements with creditors.

There are two approaches you can take to achieving debt settlements. One is to use a professional debt settlement organisation to do it all for you and the other is to undertake the negotiation with creditors personally. There are pros and cons with both options. The advantage of using a settlement company is that they are experts in this field and know exactly how to get the best deal, but you will need to pay them something for their help. The advantage of doing it yourself is that you can maximise the benefit from the saving you make, as there is no third party to pay.

Debt settlement companies only tend to get involved with situations that are really quite serious. You will usually need to have debts in excess of $10,000 and these debts need to be to a few different creditors. Debt settlement negotiation is most frequently used by people whose situation is too severe for a debt management plan to work. When people cannot afford the monthly payments on a debt management plan, they often find that debt settlement is the most appropriate solution.

When you use a professional company for negotiating settlements with creditors on your behalf, they will use their experience and knowledge to seek agreement to settle your debts for much less than the full amount you owe. It is not unusual for a good debt settlement company to get agreement to having 60% of your debt written off. Creditors have their own procedures to work to, which in some circumstances can end up with having to write a debt off completely as a bad debt. They have to weigh up what course of action is going to get them the best return overall. If they think that getting half of the debt in an up front payment is better than perhaps spending many more months chasing it and ending up with nothing if you go bankrupt, they will agree to a settlement.

While the negotiations are going on you make no payments to any of your creditors. Instead you put a fixed amount each month into a new account, where it accumulates and is then used to make payments to creditors when settlements deals are reached.

The most reputable debt settlement companies will only take a proportion of the amount they get written off as remuneration for their services. By learning to negotiate settlements with creditors yourself you can save this amount and pocket the full benefit of the reductions you manage to negotiate.

If you try negotiating settlements with creditors yourself without any help or advice, it is highly unlikely that you will manage to get very good agreements. Much depends on knowing about the procedures that different companies work to, which will dictate how you plan your actions and approaches. When you choose to make an offer to a creditor can significantly affect the result you achieve. A good guide to debt settlement negotiation will tell you exactly how and when to make your approaches, tell you exactly what you need to say and even provide scripts for phone calls and drafts of letters you need to send.

If you do decide to use the services of a debt settlement company, it is sensible to exercise a degree of caution about selecting a company to work with, as there is an element of the industry that has a reputation for being somewhat disreputable. This is probably no more so than with any other industry, but it is particularly bad when it involves taking money from people with serious debt problems.

There are plenty of excellent debt settlement companies to choose from, just be sure to stick to the reliable ones that have been around for many years and you will be absolutely fine. The easiest way to find a company is follow recommendations for the most reliable companies and apply online to perhaps three different ones, so that you can then choose whichever makes the best proposal.

Author's Bio: 

Read advice on how to negotiate debt on the author's website, where you can also find recommendations for the most reputable debt settlement companies. K D Garrow has worked as a senior manager with significant financial responsibility for the last twenty years. His Debt UK/US website offers free, unbiased advice on a range of debt related issues, including the debt management plans, UK IVAs, budgeting advice, loans and bankruptcy.