Paralysis is a neuro-physiological condition which restricts the movement of certain parts of your body. There are several levels of severities including temporary, permanent paralysis and it may even come and go. There are also different types of paralysis as well.

For many types of paralysis Ayurvedic treatments are highly effective.

In some cases, the paralysis may be the result of a birth defect or an injury to the nerves and this restricts their movement and the ability to sense anything in the affected part of the body. In case a person suffers paralysis because of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) or a similar medical condition their muscles are considerably weak and they may retain some level of sensation in the affected parts, such as a tingling sensation.

If left untreated by avoiding paralysis treatment in Ayurveda, the condition can cause several other debilitating situations, such as problems in breathing, blood flow, organ functions, swallowing, sexual response and bladder and bowel control among others. The consequences of paralysis are mostly dependent on the severity of the paralytic condition.

What are the different types of Paralysis?

Physicians have identified the below given forms and types of paralysis:

Complete Paralysis

In complete paralysis condition, the patient is totally unable to move or control their paralyzed muscles. There is very less or no sensation in the paralyzed body parts as well.

Incomplete / Partial Paralysis

Incomplete or partial paralysis is the condition when the paralyzed parts still retain some level of sensation and possibly muscle control. It is also known as Paresis.

Localized Paralysis

Localized paralysis, as the name suggests, affects only a specific part of the body, such as vocal cords, hands, feet or face.

Generalized Paralysis

Generalized paralysis is spread across the body and may be grouped within a certain area of the body too. This type of paralysis is mostly caused by an injury to the spinal cord or brain and the area affected is also dependent on the severity and location of the injury.

These are some of the most commonly seen types of generalized paralysis:

  • Monoplegia – This type of generalized paralysis affects one hand or leg.
  • Diplegia – This type of generalized paralysis has an effect on both limbs, both sides of your face, such as two arms or two legs and even both sides of the face.
  • Hemiplegia – This type of generalized paralysis affects only one side of the body and is mostly the result of a stroke, which causes damage to one side of the brain.
  • Quadriplegia – Also known as Tetraplegia, this form of generalized paralysis affects both arms and both legs, and may also affect several organs within the body at the same time.
  • Paraplegia – This is a severe form of generalized paralysis and results in an inability to move the body parts from the waist down.
  • Locked In Syndrome – Although rare, this is the most severe type of generalized paralysis in which the patient loses control of all body movements except for their eye muscles.

In case you notice any sign or symptoms of muscle weakness or inability to move your muscles, it is highly recommended to seek paralysis Ayurvedic help from Ayurveda professionals so they can prescribe the best Ayurvedic treatment for paralysis.

At times, paralysis can be stiff or it may cause your muscles to get tightened and jerky, called as spastic paralysis. Paralysis can also be floppy, or flaccid, which results in weakening and eventually shrinking your muscles.

Medical Conditions that Cause Paralysis

There are several common and rare medical conditions that have been identified as the reasons for causing different types of paralysis in patients. Stroke, which is caused due to a blocked artery in the brain or neck, damage to spinal cord or brain as well as sports injury to the head are most common situations for risk of paralysis.

Some of the other known paralysis inducing medical conditions are:

  • Demyelinating diseases
  • Motor Neuron Diseases (MNDs such as upper motor neuron disease, lower motor neuron disease and Lou Gehrig’s disease)
  • Sleep paralysis
  • Periodic paralysis
  • Todd’s Palsy
  • Bell’s Palsy
  • Lyme disease (Tick Paralysis)
  • Muscular Dystrophy (MD)

In case of a paralysis attack or when signs of paralysis are noticed, it is strongly recommended to seek professional help as soon as possible and to get the best Ayurvedic treatment for paralysis to ensure successful and complete recovery from the debilitating condition.

Author's Bio: 

I am an expert in Traditional & Modern Ayurveda and panchkarma therapy. I am an expert in pain relief therapies for paralysis,slip disc, knee pain, arthritis, back pain, cancer,skin diseases, dental problems, gynecological health disorders, and many more to place the mind, body, and soul in perfect synchronization. Our special care packages include ayurvedic panchakarma treatment, Ayurvedic Detoxification Treatment ayurvedic treatment for cancer in Nagpur, ayurvedic treatment gynaecology, Ayurvedic Wellness center Treatment in Nagpur, with nature.