What is personality marketing?

In simple terms it means using your personality to stand out in a crowded marketplace. The old adage still stands true – people like to do business with people they like. This doesn’t mean that you can be awful at your job and still do well but it does mean that you’ll stand out a lot more by being unique and likable.

Online this stands to be truer than in other Medias. When you’re dealing with websites and digital media it’s so important to display personality in your marketing. There are many, many websites on the net many selling the same things you are. To stand out you’ll need to put a little personality into your marketing.

Here are a few tips to help you do just that:

#1 – Don’t be vanilla. Vanilla it’s not bad but lets face it, it’s only a good standby for when there isn’t another more exciting flavor available. When it comes to marketing, you want to run in the other direction of being vanilla. Avoid being just like everyone else. Don’t copy other boring or bland websites. Instead think about your business and your vision. Let your website show people what you and only you are all about – never mind what everyone else is doing.

Spice up your marketing by adding your unique style of writing, design and personality to everything you do.

#2 – Don’t be afraid to be you. A lot of people have pre-defined ideas of how they should behave. And it’s understandable, these are lessons we’re taught as children. However, when it comes to your business it’s important to let the real you shine through. And don’t make the mistake of thinking you need to be bigger or better or louder or fill in the blank here – that can actually be detrimental to your success.

What it does mean is that everything in your business should be congruent with who you are and what you stand for. Write in a passionate clear voice that reflects you and you can’t fail but to inject your personality into your marketing.

#3 – Don’t use boring techniques. Instead of opting for the same old tired marketing techniques, try something a little different. With a little thought and creativity you may be able to come up with some really memorable marketing campaigns. There are ideas all around us when it comes to great marketing. It’s just a matter of looking at things in a different light. And don’t forget you don’t have to be just like everyone else – it pays to be unique and stand out online.

Personality marketing means putting YOU into your business. These easy steps will help you get started.

Author's Bio: 

Ashish Patel is a well known Internet Marketer and Blogger from India. He shows people how to make money online in internet marketing or as an affiliate at his Official Blog.