Dark chocolate, avocados, bananas, hot chilies…What you eat plays a large role in your sexual health. A healthy diet, along with certain food aphrodisiacs like the ones I mentioned here, can increase libido, promote blood flow and provide us with energy to get down to business.

However, diet can also put a damper on our sex life – and that is when you need to be wary of what you eat.

Men, in particular, are more prone to the negative effects of diet. But even foods deemed healthy are harmful for men’s sperm. According to new research, a lot has to do with how the food is grown, which suggests going organic may not be such a bad idea after all.

Read more http://www.belmarrahealth.com/popular-health-foods-you-should-avoid/

Author's Bio: 

At Bel Marra Health, we’re committed to the health and well being of every single client.

Each and every one of our customers is important to us, and we have built a solid reputation for offering high-quality vitamins and nutritional supplements in formulations designed to address a wide variety of specific health concerns. All of the ingredients in our products are backed with scientific evidence so we’re confident they could work for you, too.

Not only this, but Bel Marra Health has an expert panel of Doctors to lend their expertise on all of these natural health methods. The Doctors provide you with well-researched health news and information to keep you on the cutting edge of all the health trends. This expert advice is part of our commitment to you.

You should feel confident that the employees of Bel Marra Health are as concerned about quality and value as you are. Every product is tested for safety, quality, and purity at every stage of the manufacturing process. Furthermore, Bel Marra Health uses only top quality ingredients, to make sure that we are always going that extra mile.

At Bel Marra Health we sell quality supplements that will change your life! You can count on it.