A lot of research is being carried out worldwide to understand the importance of physiotherapy in correcting degenerative knee disorders. Experts are trying to find out the possibility of avoiding surgeries by applying physiotherapy that encourages gentle exercise.

To the surprise of research associates, it has been found much better than surgery; especially in the patients facing degenerative osteoarthritis of knees.
Amongst some of the surprising outcomes, researchers found that in some of the patients, the need for knee arthroscopy procedure (a type of keyhole surgeries) was eliminated.

Physiotherapists feel that arthroscopy is definitely not the ideal solution for improving the movement in patients and reducing pain.

Instead of it, mild and gentle exercises suggested by physiotherapy experts could be a better choice. Still, if there are no desired results, then surgery can be explored.

Multiple Research Projects Revealed The Same Results

Several research projects were carried out at different places to determine the effectiveness of physiotherapy for knee degeneration. Surprisingly, results of all the studies were similar.

It was found that the benefits obtained by knee arthroscopy were short-term. It didn’t restore the joint pain and function. Overall, the inconvenience, cost, and resources were much higher than the benefits.
Even after three months after surgery, there was hardly any reduction in the pain and discomfort. Even in some cases, the pain level came back to the original levels after one or two years of surgery.

When compared with the patients who underwent conservative mechanisms such as physiotherapy, the improvement was quite significant. Patients felt a reduction in the pain and improvement in joint functionality.

It is quite obvious that going for physiotherapy is much better than spending time, energy and resource in surgical procedures unless it becomes inevitable.
Patients with loss of functionality or pain in the knee joints can get greatly benefited by a change in the lifestyle, physiotherapy, active lifestyle and appropriate pain medication.

If non-surgical treatment is ineffective, then only one should go for surgery.

Intensive Physiotherapy Can Bring Miracles

Even after performing knee surgery, patients can recover pretty fast if they take intensive physiotherapy sessions. Statistics reveal that 20% patients struggle to recover from the aftereffects of surgery. They experience high levels of pains that interrupt the day-to-day life.
However, thanks to the modern age physiotherapy treatment, quick improvement can be seen after surgery. These new courses of physiotherapy not only help in speeding up the recovery time but they are extremely beneficial from the long-term perspective.

Of course, it is very important to assess which patients will respond to the intensive physiotherapy. It is not a wise thing to apply it to every patient. Physiotherapists look into each case and decide whether it is fit for intensive physiotherapy or not.

Experts say that since the cost-effectiveness of it is quite high, patients who undergo intensive physiotherapy save a lot of money on drugs and fees.

When thousands of knee replacement or degeneration surgeries happening around (and the figure is increasing every year), it is critically important to decide which patients can be benefited by intensive physiotherapy?

Total Knee Replacement Or Partial, Intensive Physiotherapy Can Benefit Both

Knee surgery falls into two categories (based on the degeneration of the knee. Doctors opt for total knee replacement or they prefer half knee replacement, where one side of the joint is replaced.
Patients undergoing partial surgery need a shorter time to stay in the hospital. It is fast, cheaper and effective.

Author's Bio: 

Shanewastson is the heath care advisor at QiSpine Clinic. Knee replacement becomes more and more popular today, and it generates the need to offer intensive Physiotherapy treatment in Mumbai. Based on the condition of the patient, Physiotherapy clinics in Thane decide the right treatment.