We've talked about vitamins and minerals and the important role these nutrients play in controlling the unpleasant, uncomfortable symptoms of PMS. But, in many cases, women can help themselves cope better with PMS by taking natural, organic supplements that have been used for centuries to alleviate PMS symptoms.
Medical studies have clearly demonstrated that there's a relationship between the severity of PMS symptoms and a lack of nutrients. These nutrients include vitamins such as vitamin B1 and B12, which have been shown to:
- Act as anti-inflammatories, reducing joint pains ?- Produce anti-oxidants to fend off free radicals - corrosive molecules that are produced by the body, especially when the body is under stress ?- Release excess water from the body through the urinary tract ?- Improve mood stability ?- Improve cognitive skills like the ability to remember and stay at the top of your game at ?work or at home ?- Boost the power of the body's immune system
Phytonutrients come from various herbs and plants. For example, did you know that the bark of the willow tree contains the same active ingredient as aspirin. It's true. A British physician, Dr. William Withering, noticed that deer were drawn to white willow tree bark. So the good doctor collected willow bark samples and isolated the compound that led to the invention of aspirin - one of the most important drugs ever developed.
Phytonutrients that have been shown to lessen PMS symptoms include: evening primrose, black cohash, white willow bark and red raspberry. When these herbals are combined with regular, daily doses of nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and even small amounts of fats and oils, the result is less pain, less depression, less fatigue and more energy and a more positive, healthful outlook on life throughout the month.
This isn't speculation. These phytonutrients and nutritional supplements have been used for centuries by women to alleviate PMS pain. And today, throughout Europe and Asia, these botanicals are routinely prescribed by physicians to lessen the impact of PMS on women each month. Evening Primrose: contains an essential fatty acid called gamma-linolenic acid, or GLA for short. GLA is an anti-inflammatory that's converted to prostaglandins in the body. This compound is a strong anti-inflammatory, easing many PMS symptoms.
White Willow Bark: was the first source of what we call aspirin today. It is an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever recognized around the world by the global medical community.
Red Raspberry: slows the flow of blood in the body, reducing menstrual cramps.
Black Cohash: has been proven to reduce uterine spasms (a major source of painful cramps), and acts as an anti-inflammatory.
It can't be stressed strongly enough: when phytonutrients are combined with vitamins, minerals, proteins and other nutrients found in quality foods, every women has a strong tool in the medicine chest to help alleviate the most common symptoms of PMS. It's the combination of nutrients and phytonutrients that delivers the powerful results women seek in lessening the effects of PMS on their lives.

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