Prostatitis can manifest with a range of symptoms including frequent urination, urgency, low back pain, perineal area swelling and pain, as well as incomplete urination.

However, it is important to note that not all individuals with prostatitis will necessarily experience urinary tract symptoms. Different patients may exhibit distinct symptoms as key indicators. While some patients may encounter frequent urination, others may endure perineal area swelling and pain, pelvic pain, low back pain, or even sexual dysfunction.

Is it possible to develop prostatitis without encountering urinary tract symptoms? The answer is affirmative.

First, some patients do not experience urinary symptoms. The absence of urinary frequency and urgency in prostatitis may be because the mild inflammation has not yet caused urinary symptoms. And not all patients with prostatitis will have urinary urgency and frequency. Some men may have pelvic pain syndrome, urinary bifurcation, low sexual function, impotence, and premature ejaculation.

Second, some patients with prostatitis have no urinary symptoms, such as frequent urination. The urinary frequency and urgency are non-specific symptoms of prostatitis. According to the International Classification of Chronic Prostatitis, patients with chronic non-bacterial prostatitis may not have urinary symptoms such as frequency and urgency. But patients will have neurological, physical, and psychological symptoms, such as pelvic pain syndrome, scrotal swelling discomfort, lower abdomen soreness, anal swelling, and so on. These are all non-specific symptoms brought on by chronic non-bacterial prostatitis.

Finally, in clinical terms, asymptomatic chronic prostatitis mainly refers to a large number of white blood cells found in the prostate fluid or semen routine. But the patient has no lower urinary tract-related symptoms, such as difficulty in urination and no complaints, such as pelvic floor pain. This often occurs at the beginning of the disease or if the symptoms of prostatitis disappear after treatment, but the white blood cells in the prostate fluid remain.
Prostatitis can manifest as frequent urination, urgency, painful urination, hematuria, difficulty urinating, urinary incontinence, bifurcation of the urinary tract, increased frequency of urination, white urine after urination, or defecation. It can be accompanied by sexual dysfunction, including decreased libido, premature ejaculation, ejaculation pain, weakened erection, impotence, secondary upper urinary tract damage, and systemic symptoms.

The treatment methods for different types of prostatitis vary as follows:

1. Anti-infection treatment: Categories I and II prostatitis caused by bacterial infections can be effectively treated with oral administration of ofloxacin capsules or intravenous infusion of ampicillin sodium, guided by a healthcare professional.

2. Medication: Category III prostatitis, which is caused by non-bacterial factors, primarily focuses on symptom relief. Medications such as tamsulosin and Pushitai tablets can be used for symptom management. Alternatively, herbal medicine like Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill can be employed for treatment. In addition to medication, physical therapy options are often considered, including local warm water sitz baths, local hot compresses, and other beneficial techniques.

3. Behavioral therapy: Asymptomatic prostatitis (Type IV) typically does not require specific treatment. However, maintaining a healthy diet and good hygiene habits is recommended. Avoidance of spicy and stimulating foods, as well as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, is advised. It is essential to stay warm, especially during the winter season. Maintaining a regular sex life is also important for managing the condition.

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