The word ‘reader’ in the title of the article refers to a psychic expert who can read-- ‘decode’-- what appears inscrutable both to the common people as well as experts. These are generally problems and situations that baffle the conventional scientific wisdom.

It is in this sense that a psychic reader can ‘read’ the faces, mind, tarot cards, horoscope, the auras, the writing on the wall, the future and the occult or paranormal signs and messages.

To explain it further, psychics are also called psychic mediums or channels because they generally go into trance to communicate with the spirits of the dead or their own spirit guides and angels.

Now the spirits, whatever their status, may not necessarily express themselves in human language. Quite often they speak in sign language, which the psychic mediums ‘read’ and translate for the benefit of their clients.

In the same way the psychics also have to ‘read’ the energy vibrations emanating from their clients as well as the pictures on the tarot cards. Even the crystals radiate energy vibrations, both positive and negative. Above all, there is an all-encompassing Universal Energy whose vibrations interact and influence the destiny of human beings.

All in all, a psychic reader analyses the nature of the clients, the problems and situations and predicts the future.

How do the psychics read the future?

Most psychics are blessed with certain innate abilities of head, heart and soul. These abilities are variously termed as intuition, sixth sense, third eye, hunch, telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, telekinesis and so on. Although these powers overlap each other and serve almost an identical purpose, yet they acquire distinct character depending upon the situation.

Most people face problems that befuddle them. Try howsoever hard they may, they cannot resolve them through ordinary means and knowledge. One reason for this generally is that they cannot understand the reason behind the problem. If you are facing such a situation, head straight to a psychic reader. You can find him/her on any psychic website.

Psychic Readers

Author's Bio: 

My interest and exposure to the spiritual world has allowed me to gain knowledge on different psyhic abilities which i love sharing with everyone.