I wanted to write about the public relations NYC scene so I decided to conduct a simple search via Google using the words: public relations NYC. In 0.69 seconds, according to the Googlemeter (I made that up, by the way), I had about 63,200,000 results… Wow, I thought, a simple search using the words “public relations NYC” yielded so many results.

Typically, but not always, the most usable things are found within the first couple of pages. Beyond the sponsored ads, which I don’t bother reading because, well, they’re ads and not editorial (perhaps, people should save their money), a number of firms appeared; I suspect that these are public relations NYC firms… I wondered to myself did these firms pay for these words for SEO purposes so that if you, like me, keyed in public relations NYC, these firms would magically appear. Can search engines be so easily manipulated? I guess so…

My use of the phrase “public relations NYC” in the search also yielded other results on the first page: an opportunity to earn an M.S. in Public Relations and Corporate Communication (how scary is that?); job opportunities; a blog site about the industry and not just about public relations NYC; and a young user of LinkedIn (note to self: find out how he managed this). Undeterred, I proceeded to the second page of my search using the phrase public relations NYC… Again, I found more firms including some that appeared on the first page of the search (talk about world domination) as well as references from one of the industry’s trade groups…

I pondered the usefulness of proceeding to the third page… Not having much to do, I forged ahead breathlessly and with great anticipation in the hopes that I would come across something remotely useful… Nope… More ads for public relations NYC firms hawking their services. Job postings. Again, another reference to a firm that showed up previously. The only editorial appeared to be a story dated June 29, 2011.

I think I’ll get back to work…

For more information visit to http://www.makovsky.com

Author's Bio: 

Kevin Waddel is a free lance writer. To get more information about Public relations, Public Relations New York, Public Relations NYC and Health Public Relations visit http://www.makovsky.com