As you move through your life do you ever find yourself repeating or recreating situations that are less than desirable? For instance, do you find yourself caught in certain self-sabotaging or self-destructive habits that have taken control over your mind and life?

Do you feel sufficiently frustrated and motivated to change the course of your life? Well, if the answer is yes and you would like to gain access to these automated unconscious programs and begin re-writing their primal script… the following will help you.

Unbeknown to many, your life’s path has been predetermined by what has happened to you in your past. This “past” resides within you as a programmed script, which affects your perceptions, attitudes, reactions, choices and behaviours towards yourself, others and the world around you. This in turn imposes a limited repertoire of responses that constrain and constrict you to a life that is beyond your free will to change.
Almost all your attempts at decision-making are efforts to compensate for the effects that past programming are having on you. For instance, let’s say you carry within you a negative memory of having been humiliated when you were younger. That memory is stored inside you and has the painful feelings of humiliation associated within it.
Your natural, unquestioned tendency is to “believe” that this memory – because it happened to you – represents fundamentally who you are, i.e. someone who has low self-esteem, low self-worth, low self-confidence, a fear of expressing their real self, feelings of inadequacy and so on. These feelings continue to live deep within you, subsequently making you vulnerable to being re-triggered by daily events. As a result your choices are focused on trying to avoid such triggers – such as humiliation in any form.

As you can see, this severely limits and constrains your natural expression, not to mention the course of your life, as you are constantly on the look-out for potential triggers. In many cases, attempts are also made to quench or dissipate those inner negative feelings through some form of sedative, such as drugs or alcohol. Although perceived as a temporary solution that allows you to endure otherwise untenable situations, the “sedative” approach only serves to enslave you to a life of addiction.

So, much like working with outdated computer software with limited capabilities, it only makes sense to scrap the old (i.e. the past) and begin afresh with an entirely new script. In the case of the “human hard drive” (i.e. the unconscious mind), it means erasing the memories of the past and allowing for an entirely new and more expansive script to replace it.

In order to do this one must first challenge the limiting belief that “the past cannot be changed”. How is this possible? Well, there is now a new coaching modality, which through a simple question and answer process is able to access the unconscious scripts that anchor those past memories inside you and literally detach them or erase them completely.

As this deletion happens, the limiting negative memories simply begin to float away into space where they disintegrate and vanish from your consciousness forever. This allows a spontaneous and remarkable process to succeed it; the reintegration of what I have called your Life Force Energy back into your mind and body.
Life Force Energy is like a master computer programmer that has infinite knowledge and skill at reprogramming your mind. What’s more, it has only your best interests at heart and is there only to serve you.

If you would like to learn more about this process, contact me via the link below and request a complimentary introductory phone/Skype coaching consultation.

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Felicity Muscat is the Founder of The Institute of Self Mastery which was created to help others fulfil the truest, highest, and most authentic expression of themselves in all areas of life.
If you have tried other approaches that have failed and are ready for change, request a complimentary introductory phone/Skype coaching consultation to help you get started on your journey back to your peak performing empowered and alive self today. To learn more and explore others’ success stories, download Felicity’s eBooks.
Felicity Muscat, former psychologist is now an international self-esteem, self-empowerment, and self-mastery life coach. Felicity is also a relationship and success coach, author of three best-selling books and Level 3 mind resonance coach.
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