For many men and women, urinary tract infections are not something they have not had to deal with. On average, over 8 million visits to a doctor are for UTIs. Unfortunately, just because these individuals know how to recognize a infection does not mean they know what causes a UTI. The actual reasons vary just as much as the individual suffering from one.

Understanding the reasons for urinary tract infection is important. In order to limit your risk of getting an infection you need to know how a person gets it. Throughout this article, we are going to help you to beer understand the root causes of most urinary tract infections. After all, education is often the best medicine.

Bacteria is the culprit. The bacteria enters the body and breeds or multiplies. Once the bacteria is powerful enough, the body has difficulties fighting off the bad bacteria. The bacteria enters the body in a number of ways. Here are some of the most common ways a UTI is born.

The majority of urinary tract infections are caused by E. Coli. As you probably already know, E. Coli is most commonly found in the colon of a person. By not properly wiping after using the restroom you can cause the spread of E. Coli into the vaginal area, thus introducing the bacteria to the urinary tract.

It is also possible to cause a UTI by not “going” when you have to. It is believed that “holding it in” can cause the bladder to stretch. This stretching is the ideal breeding ground for bacteria which is thought to lead to UTIs.

Sexual intercourse is another possible way for the bacteria to end up causing a UTI The most common sexual transmission of the bacteria is from anal to vaginal intercourse without a condom. The E. Coli from the rectum is transferred into the vaginal area.

Thongs, G-strings and tight fitting clothing can also be the ideal breeding grounds for bacteria. Generally, if the individual does not properly cleanse themselves the bacteria can and will breed and lead to an infection.

In addition to the above mentioned causes of urinary tract infections prostate problems, kidney stones, catheters, age, sickle cell anemia, diabetes, vesicoureteral reflux, medications, issues with the urinary tract, sexual contraceptives, soaps, cleansers, hygiene and menopause are also popular reasons for UTI.

Author's Bio: 

Alvin Hopkinson is a leading researcher in the area of natural remedies and urinary tract infection treatment. Discover how you can rid of your UTI for good using proven UTI home remedy, all without using harmful medications or drugs. Visit his site now for more useful articles such as: Best Natural Remedy for UTI