That is right. You read the title correctly. The recession ended yesterday, June 9th, 2009 since I am writing this on June 10, 2009. How in the world can I make such a claim?

First the national economy has very little to do with our local economy. Our economy is going to turn around based on what we do on the local front. While we might not be able to do much about the national economy, we can do something about our economy.

Secondly, the turnaround is going to start someday so it may as well be yesterday. The economists and national media will not make it official for at least 6 to 9 months after it has happened, just like when the recession became official. At the beginning of a turnaround is when the majority of the money that was lost during a recession is recovered. If we wait until they tell us the recovery has started, we will have missed the all important first six to nine months. I don’t want to miss that do you?

Lastly, and probably most importantly, the main cause of any recession and period of growth is the confidence of the American people. This is tracked on a monthly basis by the consumer confidence index, a survey of average Americans who are asked, “How do you feel about your job and the future economic situation in America?” We are asking people, “What do you believe about the direction we are heading?” In order to change from a recession to growth, we have to change our beliefs and start being more positive. I don’t know about you, but I am sick and tired of the negativity. I am ready for some excitement and a change in the conversation from losses and bailouts to opportunities and growth.

You may be thinking, is it really that easy, or is this just a bunch of positive thinking, believe it and it will happen, lets all hold hands and sign Kum Ba Yah psycho babble? Here is what some rather successful people have had to say about the power of positive thinking:

“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goals. Nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” Thomas Jefferson

“Obstacles are the things we see when we take our eyes off our goals.” Zig Ziglar

Achievement is largely the product of steadily raising one’s level of aspiration and expectation.” Jack Nicklaus

“Think of yourself as on the threshold of unparalleled success. A whole, clear, glorious life lies before you. Achieve! Achieve! Achieve!” Andrew Carnegie

As you can see from the examples above, successful people in the world of sports, business and one of the founding fathers of our country all understand the importance of holding on to positive beliefs.

So, the recession ended yesterday. Now, what are you going to start thinking, saying and doing differently. How can you inspire confidence in yourself and your employees? I suggest first paying close attention to what you are listening to and reading. Find positive influences to change your thoughts. Use meditation, upbeat music and other resources to help you stay on course. Then begin to look for opportunities when everyone else is still seeing problems.

For example, Negative thought – There have been several businesses that have gone out of business. Opportunity - Now is a great time to find prime commercial real estate at lower rental rates. Negative thought - The job market is really tough and people aren’t hiring – negative thought. Opportunity - Now is a great time for me to learn a new skill and grow my value to potential employers. Opportunity - Now is a great time to find talented people that I may not have been able to get when times were good.

Just about any situation can be looked at for problems or opportunities. As a pastor friend of mine says, “You can find the devil or God in anything, it just depends on which you are searching for.” What about you? Are you ready to end your recession? Great, then let’s start working together to change the attitudes and beliefs of our employees and community.

In future articles I will talk about some specific strategies to put your company on the road to massive success. Have an awesome week.

Coach Jody Williams

Author's Bio: 

Jody Williams is a business coach with over 12 years of experience in corporate America in the areas of mergers and acquisitions and business development. He started his coaching business over 4 years ago and works with a variety of clients ranging from single person operations to companies with over $30 million in revenue and international operations. His desire is to help business owners achieve the American Dream while balancing family and their own healthy lifestyle. He believes his calling is to help people discover their God given purpose and begin living with passion each day of the rest of their lives.