The latest report relating to present-day social developments says 70% of females and 65% of males regarded sending text messages, online dating sites and Facebook social networking tools contributes to sex faster causing people to jump into bed, according to a study.

However the survey went on to imply that thirty four percent of women actually slept with a guy sooner than usual as a result of digital intimacy in accordance with the market research that included 1,100 participants in a leading lifestyle magazines annual sex survey.

Mobile phones and mobile computers seem to be the new tools that are leading singles into the bedroom. An overwhelming majority of men and women, according to the survey outcome, believed social networking tools and devices are the key reasons people are having sex faster.

The survey also found that sending text messages is the most common means lovers are communicating. Women text message 100 % more often compared to making a voice telephone call, with males texting forty two percent more regularly compared to making a voice call.

Well before any magic occurs, around 70 % of men and women use search engines and even singles chat tools to screen future dating options. Out of those people interviewed, sixty eight percent alleged to have had dating offers through a text message, and fifty three percent through Facebook.

The survey showed that romances established on the web found that sixty eight percent of women privately looked through the Facebook or Myspace web pages of ex-partners.

Other fascinating dirt that was dug up discovered that even the heat of a passionate moment wasn't enough to switch off from their digital gizmos. Whenever the telephone rang while having sex, nine percent of respondents say they check who the caller was, five percent stopping to take the call!

And once the candle begins to burn low, sending text messages is the latest means of digital dumping. Thirty nine percent of men and thirty one percent of women were reported to have dumped their lover using an sms.

Those who tend not to 'beat around the bush' the world wide web is the best place to be for anyone wanting to sow their wild oats.

Author's Bio: 

About the author. Matt Fuller offers quality relationship articles relating to social networking and free dating websites. If you'd like to review more of Matt's content articles, simply visit one of his singles chat sites to explore more options.