Having experienced an earthquake, a hurricane, and a murderer on the loose in our area all in one week, the concept of choice has been prevalent in my mind. The matter of choice becomes abundantly pronounced when approaching times of disaster. During these crises, I watched the news, which informed the public about all those who ran to the grocery store out of fear of the possibility of being without necessities. Fear is one of the main obstacles that keep us from making a choice. Fear controls us and keeps us paralyzed from making logical or practical decisions. Many times we make these decisions and act irrationally because we are trying to control or avoid the unknown. However, choice gives us an opportunity to push past the fear and take responsibility for our actions. We can choose to decide what is really important to us. We can prioritize our life to what is really necessary for the situation at hand and let go of the rest. As Steven Covey states, “It’s the big rocks that count.” The big rocks are what are most important to us in life, and the pebbles and the sand are all the little urgencies that have no long -term significance and can derail us from doing what is important.
We can also choose to act like a crazy person or sit and act rationally and logically while preparing for whatever comes our way. Every day we have a choice of how we respond to our actions, feelings and our experiences in life. Many times a negative attitude sours our perspectives. Our attitudes can determine who we are and how we live—which is our choice. We get to choose whether we will embrace what is available and happening that day or we can choose to try to control situations because it is not going the way we planned.
We choose our own limitations. What if it was only ourselves that was holding us back? Whether it is fear, fixed beliefs or perspective change that is keeping you from making your choices, bask in knowing that whatever decision you make will always create an opportunity for learning. Learning is what strengthens our resolve to follow through and make the right choice.
Look back at the major milestones in your life and the choices that you made and ask yourself:
Were you running from or running to something?
Did your choice produce the desired result?
What can you learn from that process?
Remember: the choice is always yours regardless of your circumstances.

Author's Bio: 

Sherry Shoemaker, CPCC, ACC is a life coach; entrepreneur, speaker and educator with a passion for helping women live their life confidently. Her mission is: To help women understand that no matter what the circumstances, you always have a choice; a choice to walk through the fear and get to the other side and follow your passions according to your core values, and live your best possible life."
Her company is Voice of Assurance Life Coaching. Services include individual coaching, group coaching and workshops, and personality assessment. Contact Sherry at SShoemaker1@gmail.com or Voice of Assurance.com for more information