Positive anything is better than negative nothing – Elbert Hubbard

Stay positive and stay on top of things – Gary Paulsen

Most of us have all heard the analogy of the glass being either “half full” or “half empty”. How we view the glass determines how we look at life. If the glass is “half full”, we tend to be more optimistic. If the glass is “half empty”, we tend to be pessimistic. The third way of looking at the glass, according to comedian George Carlin is that the glass is twice as big as it needs to be. But that is another story.

About a year ago I became exposed to another analogy about life similar to the water glass. It’s called the “running on empty” analogy. This analogy pertains to the gas tanks in our cars and how we keep them filled. The “Running on Empty” analogy pertains to our view of the universe in relation to abundance and prosperity. Typically, people tend to live in the “red” when driving their car, only putting in five to ten dollars at a time. By doing this, drivers tend to stay just above the red by only a couple of gallons then they go back into the red and repeat the same process over and over. Ironically, I was one of them. As a teenager my dad would always say, “It’s just as easy to drive on the top quarter as it is to drive on the bottom quarter.” But, I was a teenager.

As an adult, I continued the same habit. One day my wife not only pointed out my habit, she was the one that came up with the “running on empty” analogy. She politely said, “You’re the one always preaching about how the universe is infinitely abundant, and by tapping into the universe with clear thoughts and intent we can manifest everything we so choose.” She than said, “Don’t you think your behavior with your gas tank is sending conflicting intentions out to the universe in relation to abundance and prosperity?” Talk about being not only caught off guard but I was also speechless. She was right, as usual. It never occurred to me the impact of “running on empty” analogy had on me.

By everyday, we unknowing broadcast signals from our subconscious mind out to the universe. What I realized is that, our actions and behaviors are just as important as our thoughts. If our thoughts resonate lack we get more lack. Our actions work the same way.

I know for a fact that most people tend to run on empty, this action creates not only more lack but also more chaos in ones life by just trying to stay above the red. This behavior, for many also runs the same way with their bank accounts always being in the red. Try for one month driving on the top quarter of your tank instead of the bottom. By doing this our actions and behaviors are coming from a point of abundance instead of lack. The more aligned our thoughts, actions and behaviors resonate with abundance the better equipped we become to tap into and manifest abundance from the universe.

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Corey Sondrup is the author of Reclaiming Your Power, a self help/personal growth book on mastering optimal health and wellness. Besides maintaining a busy holistic oriented chiopractic practice, Dr. Corey teaches seminars and workshops around the country on energy healing and holistic health. To learn more about Dr. Corey Sondrup, visit him on the web at www.optimalhealthdynamics.com