As the banking system evolved, more and more people began to sit up and take notice of the possibilities it opened up. Bank account categories were created, with each designed to cater to the needs of a select few that would benefit most from them. Amongst the many that were created, it is perhaps the humble savings account that has proved to be the primary contact point for almost everyone.

Sitting sans airs and the value embellishments of its heavily promoted cousins, the plain-vanilla looking savings account is not without its own bag of tricks. Amongst its many benefits, there are a few that make it relevant even in this day and age:

1. Keeping it safe: It is commonly said that cash is king, but it is also highly impractical and not to mention rather risky to be keeping large amounts of cash at one’s home. A savings account therefore acts as a sentinel that safeguards your cash from being robbed or pilfered

2. Cheque That: Most savings accounts often include the option to pay out amounts via cheques. This proves to be rather handy by eliminating money errors and transactional difficulties that would otherwise arise from physically sending money to a third party

3. Raising the Interest: Money that is held in the bank often earns a certain percentage of interest. Traditionally, interest rates on savings accounts failed to be attractive enough for customers. However, with the increased relaxation of norms, more and more banks are starting to offer high rates of interest in an attempt to encourage customers to hold more money in savings accounts.

4. Carding it all: With convenience related features becoming commonplace, it is hard to find a savings bank account that does not come with a debit card facility. Debit Cards are quite handy as they allow a person to make payments in a single swipe at scores of merchant destinations present everywhere. The amount charged to a debit card is usually deducted instantly from the customer’s account and does not usually allow an excess amount that what is present in the account to be withdrawn

5. Paying the Bills: Going a step further on the convenience focus of banking, savings accounts can be used to pay the bills as well. The bill payment happens as an automated process and it continues on its own till as long as there is sufficient balance in the account

So, before you dismiss the humble savings account as another relic from the banking past, take a closer look at the options today. You are sure to be surprised to see a whole new world of possibilities open up for you.

Author's Bio: 

Savings Account is now one of the best investment option for investors because it grows your saving money faster than any other investments would do.