In order to motivate other people, it’s important that you learn how to motivate YOU.
Here are some Self Improvement Books you may want to take a look at:
1. “Indispensable Qualities of Leadership”: “Becoming the Leader Others Will Follow,” by John C. Maxwell.
According to Maxwell, character is the defining quality of a leader. He details what character actually is and how to be an effective leader. Maxwell believes that “Everything Rises and Falls on Leadership.” A “must- read,” for anyone in a leadership position or want to become a leader. There are 21 laws he says are “irrefutable” in terms of becoming a successful leader
going far beyond just to knowing how to lead.
2. “Discover Your Strengths,” by Marcus Buckingham
From the author who wrote”First, Break All the Rules,”comes this follow up. In this book, Buckingham claims that the successful leader must concentrate on his strengths and make them a priority. Doing what you’re good at always works. There is also a self administered test you can take, which is a personal survey of what you are good at called a Strength Finder Profile.”
This is a serious guide for those who just aren’t sure what they’re good at.
3. “5 Patterns of Extraordinary Careers,” by Spencer Stuart
This is a book that teaches you how to utilize what’s unique in you and use it to your best advantage.
One very interesting quote made by Stuart: “It’s better to ask forgiveness after the fact than it is to ask permission ahead of time, reflects his overall suggestion to move ahead with what YOU believe to be a good choice.” In other words, take risks and chances, don’t depend on someone else’s’ direction. Find things that will make you stand out and go do them. Quite a remarkable philosophy, Stuart claims that people need to understand how VALUE is actually created in the workplace and that successful leaders abide by the 80/20 principle which means, doing your defined job, but stepping up and doing that 20% more.
4. “Who Moved My Cheese?” by Spencer Johnson
This is actually the best selling business paperback of all times, according to the NY Times Review. Johnson’s theory incorporates the element of change, in its concepts and demonstrates ways to move people beyond their comfort zones.
5. “7 Habits of Highly Successful People,” by Steven Covey
This was an instant best seller on the New York Times Booklist for 18 weeks in a row and is still a very popular book today. Covey believes education is still the best way to learn how to be effective. He calls it, “sharpening the saw.” He also believes that the first change must come from within and that the best leaders in history had specific habits they learned which gave them strong principals. He refers to it as the “Character Ethic.” Based on long term success, Covey feels people follow others because of moral principles rather than popularity, which he calls “Personality Ethics. “
6. “How to think Like Leonardo Ad Vinci and Discover your Genius: How to think like History’s Ten Most Revolutionary Minds”, by Michael Gelb
This book is an interesting blend of thinking clearly, but creatively. It
gives as examples, 7 key areas of self-improvement that genius’s
demonstrate: Curiosity, Scientific Inquiry, a Refining of the Senses, an Ability to Embrace Paradox and Uncertainty, a Balance Between Scientific
Ability and Creativity, A concern for Physiology, and a Deep Rooted Recognition of the Interconnectedness of All Things.
7. “The Brand You 50: Reimagining the pursuit of WOW!” by Thomas Peters
The 50 is not an age but how many brand new “things” you can challenge
Your-self with. This book motivates people to reinvent themselves by becoming what an employer wants and needs. There are a lot of objectives and goals he says people can reach, as long as they have commitment and passion.
8. “What should I Do With My Life? “by Po Bronson.
According to Bronson’s and other involved in career counseling, it’s ok to be indecisive about what you want to do at any given stage of your life. We may want to be many things over a lifetime, so why shouldn’t we? We choose our own happiness, he says and no one can make that choice for us.
Po gives us 50 stories about success and achievement and how they happen.
9. “Rhinoceros Success,” by Scott Alexander,
This is a small book that tells the reader that, in order to be looked at, one must stand out. Alexander is sure a stand out guy.
“I had a guy ask me to come and turn his cows into Rhinoceros’, I told him no because cows don’t want to be Rhinoceroses, he says very bluntly.”
Scott Alexander says his successful Rhinoceros Series is based strictly on self-motivation. He says any kind of motivational training given to someone who isn’t motivated never works. “rather than bringing cows back from the
dead .” he says. “I only talk to people who are already excited.”
His famous motivational line is “KEEP CHARGING”!
10. “Advanced Rhinocerology,” by Scott Alexander.
The sequel by Alexander that teaches leaders to grow thick hides, as people will be attacking them from every which way. Knowing your friends and enemies, according to Alexander, is knowledge you need.
In this second in a series of books by Alexander, he claims that anyone can do anything if they just work harder at it, so, Keep Charging!”
These are just 10 choices you may want to read.
There are many more self-improvement books that can be very helpful to you in your quest for self-improvement. Your local library or bookstore can refer to the specific ones you want.
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