Your physical makeup is unique, like a fingerprint – it’s the first rule of self health! “Know thyself” can make all the difference to your ongoing wellness.

Sure, you can do this all on your own – and you will. But here are some pointers for developing your own self health philosophy. Many people don’t have one: When a crisis comes, they’re blown about like a leaf in the wind, trying this and trying that, or ending up with the luck of the draw.

Unfortunately, conventional doctors can’t help you much with self health, though you’ll find no better care if you’re in a car accident, or need some kind of surgery, like a heart operation. The trick is to learn the strengths and weaknesses of orthodox medicine – what it does best, what are the shady areas, and what it doesn’t do well at all. That last is the most significant for natural health, since many illnesses are subtle, their origins hard to trace – like chronic fatigue syndrome, or depression.

Though most doctors are dedicated professionals, and do good work in their areas of specialty, they live under many constraints: the AMA, current accepted medical practice, budget restraints, and fear of litigation. Positively speaking, they’re oriented more towards serving the good of the many than the good of the few. The only problem is, you are not just one of the many, you are the ONE, and no one else has as much to lose (or gain)!

Sometimes it’s tough. You’ll meet doctors who are against all alternative and holistic medicine. I know one, a man I like and respect, who has used his influence to prevent articles written by a naturopathic doctor from appearing in the local paper. This kind of attitude closes doors to new thinking and better medicine, and limits the opportunities of people who want to know more about alternative medicine.

The healthstyle you prefer might include Chinese Medicine, the herb lore of a shaman, or even the laying-on-of-hands. The power to heal is a gift. Few doctors have it, and to be fair, few people have it. Imagine how awesome it would be to find an MD who was both a healer and a health practitioner -- incorporating all the best principles of science and the body-mind-spirit composite. Now, that would be truly holistic!


  • Develop the right mindset. Don’t casually take drugs, for everything major and minor, especially for an illness that falls into a shady or unknown area. Drugs can mask symptoms, leaving the real problem unaddressed, and can also cause collateral damages, such as extreme toxicity, liver or kidney failure, and more. My rule is to think thrice before taking drugs, whether over-the-counter, under-the-counter, or prescriptions.
  • Find a doctor or health specialist that you like, who listens to you and doesn’t ridicule, or try to overbear your ideas.
  • Don’t let yourself be channeled into one way of thinking, by yourself or anyone else. Be flexible, and try to discover all your natural health options.
  • Finally, know when to trust others. Even though you’ve done your part toward self health, there will always come a time when you won’t know what to do. So accept help, and don’t worry – “Do what you can, and walk on.”

    I met an older lady recently who needed a hip replacement. Her doctor described what the operation would entail: they would have to go in from the back of the body, cutting all ligaments, in order to do the surgery. He told her that the recovery would take some time, both in and out of the hospital.

    For some reason, she didn’t accept this as final, and looked on the internet for another way. What she found was a new surgical technique, developed in Spain, which was being used by a local surgeon in Louisville. The new procedure went in from the front of the body, made only two slits for the repair, and didn’t cut any ligaments. She decided to have that operation, and went home after spending only two days in the hospital!

    This is a perfect example of self health: it provides you with another option, even if it’s only a different surgical procedure.

    Explore all your alternative health options, both public and private, from second surgical opinions to holistic doctors, learning from your dreams, becoming aware of your own subconscious suggestions, finding hidden talents that heal, or simply developing new beliefs and principles, as you read new books. It’s your self health!

    For more on natural health, and alternative medicine, using a holistic approach, visit

    Author's Bio: 

    We’re Paul Pfarr and Justice Valentine. We’ve spent most of our lives pursuing a natural lifestyle, to balance body, mind, and spirit in the real world. In the last couple of years, we decided to create a website,, to pass on some of what we’ve learned in a lot of areas.

    Since our early years, both of us were strong adherents of Henry David Thoreau, and always intended to go and live in the woods, like him. Then, in 1969, we discovered Edgar Cayce, psychic and “Father of Holistic Medicine.” For us, the two came together amazingly!

    So after Paul’s stint in the Army (characterized by quite a bit of civil disobedience), we headed straight out to the woods of Eastern Kentucky, to sort out all of life’s questions, while building a log home and living a more natural life. This set the stage for similar experiences over the course of many years. We’ve always tried to improve, refine and expand our quest for balancing body, mind and spirit in the world about us. After building several log cabins, we crystallized what we’d learned in Build Your Own Log Cabin, published by Winchester Press in 1977 (and soon to be re-issued on our website). At the same time, we’ve been gardening organically, heating with wood, gathering wild herbs and always learning, perfecting knowledge and techniques to meet changing circumstances.

    Few people's lives are without health concerns, and we’ve had to work very hard at learning about alternative healthstyles to deal with some of ours. Organic food and herbal medicines have proven their effectiveness, and we use them constantly. Edgar Cayce provided a vast storehouse of knowledge and universal health philosophy that we could never entirely absorb (though we keep trying!). Cayce has been a light shining in the darkness in many of his incomparable cures, truly “the Father of Holistic Medicine!”

    When there’s time, we revive ourselves with classical music, reading, writing humorous books, discussing philosophy, watching good television and movies, and cherishing our three cats.

    Paul and Justice