What is your mind telling you? Is it telling you that you have the ability to achieve your heart’s desires? And do you believe in your heart (mind) that you can do it. Then, the only thing stopping you is you. If, you are looking at your circumstances and the situation you find yourself in at this present time, then you could possibly be your own hindrance. Sometimes we have to look beyond our current condition and think “outside the box.” We have to follow our mind and believe in our heart that we can achieve our desire. The bottom line is we have to take a chance sometimes we have to take calculated risks and we cannot allow the affect of negative thinking get the best of us. We have to dwell on positive thoughts –no doubt- when it comes to achieving our desires. We have to display self-confidence in our ability to accomplish our object.

Bear in mind confident people are positive people and have an optimistic outlook on life. They will always view the glass as “half full” rather than “half empty.” Usually a person that entertains negative thoughts will have a pessimistic outlook and will have a “half empty” attitude.

The following is a process you can use to transform yourself into the person you have desired to become:

Watch your Thoughts, for they become Words Have you heard the old adage that “whatever is in you will come out of you.” This means whatever your thoughts are, how you feel about a person or a situation and even yourself given the right situation you will voice those thoughts.

Choose your Words, for they become Actions If you declare, decree, proclaim, and or make affirmations about yourself long enough and actually believe them, you will begin to behavior in that manner. Therefore, if it is your desire to be an successful online business owner and you declare, decree, proclaim and or make affirmations that you are believe you are and do not doubt (negative thinking) then you will achieve it. “Whatever your mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.” Napoleon Hill author of the classic success book “Think and Grow Rich” wrote this insightful statement in his book 72 years ago.

Understand your Actions, for they become Habits Analyze why you do what you do. Some of us routinely every morning upon rising turn the television on and or have to have our first cup of coffee. Think about it, you may have developed a habit. If there is something you do every day religiously STOP and determine how does it make feel not doing it. Admittedly, all habits are not bad. There are several things we do religiously that helps build our confidence and makes us a better person. When we understand why we do what we do, then we have to decide whether to continue with this activity or not. One question we can ask ourselves is, “is this act propelling me into my destiny or is it hindering me from obtain it?’ Be honest with yourself when you ask yourself that question and if that activity is a hindrance have enough courage to STOP.
Study your Habits, for they will become your Character As you begin to understand your actions and the habits you have formed, you can determine the affect they are having on your character. Observe what type of impact your habits are having on your integrity, self-confidence, self-esteem, compassion and respect for yourself and others.

Develop your Character, for it becomes your Destiny As you notice your character changing into the person you want to become you should also notice you are making better choices and your thoughts are those of a person of destiny. You are “living life on purpose” and every decision you make will have to align with your destiny.

”For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…” Proverb 23:7 (KJV), this familiar
Proverb sums-up this entire article. Therefore, it is imperative that the thoughts you entertain are positive and you start speaking affirmations about yourself and as you declare these affirmation you begin to believe them. Subsequently, your actions will exemplify your thoughts and affirmations and your habits will be a testament to your new found behavior. Then, you will begin to experience internal change your character begins to comply with your new found attitude. Finally, you are not only thinking, speaking, acting, doing, believing but you have become that person you have always dreamed or desired to be. You have just been propelled into your destiny.

Author's Bio: 

My name is Lovie Hobbs and I work at home and I assist others in starting their own home-based business. My services are FREE because I believe if I help enough people meet their needs mine will be met, too. I developed a SYSTEM a strategy to Saves You Stress Time Energy and Money. This SYSTEM was designed to help motivate you, increase your value as a leader while you are simultaneously implementing online marketing strategies to make money online.

Go to my website @ http://LoviesInternetMarketingSystem.com and give me leave your information and receive your free digital copy of "Think Grow Rich" by the celebrated author Napoleon Hill this book is priceless and it is special thanks from me. Then start receiving your free weekly "Earn While You Learn" Newsletter.