Sensible portion sizes; in this day and age it seems to become more and more difficult to gain control of the amount of food we are presented with in certain situations. Everywhere we turn we are asked to add an extra scoop, supersize our meal and what was once an acceptable serving is now two, three or even four times the suggested amount that we are supposed to consume to live a balanced, comfortable, healthy life.

Please don’t misunderstand me; I am not making excuses for us and why it isn’t our fault or anything of the such. As we have become accustomed to hearing throughout our time together, we are 100% responsible for our actions regardless of what or how much is put in front of us. You know how the old saying goes “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make her drink.” Shouldn’t our motto be “You can give a Lovely Lady three times the amount of food she should consume in one setting, but she’ll use her portion size tactics to remain in control?”

Why not employ the following real life portion size tactics to ensure that when it is time to move on from your fare that you feel good about your decisions and the control you embellished upon yourself.

•Use smaller plates and bowls at home and ask for them when dining out.
•When dining at home take the time to measure/weigh out your portion sizes, so that you become more aware of the suggested serving sizes.
•Ask for a to-go box when ordering your meal and then promptly box up half your entrée when it arrives.
•Eat slowly giving your tummy time to register it’s fillings.
•Put your knife and fork down in between mouthfuls.
•Savor the food as it swills around in your mouth; taste it, smell it, feel it.

It’s about holding yourself accountable and giving it all you’ve got to maintain control of what and how much you put in your mouth. It’s about taking the time to become aware of your actions and how they directly impact what happens to your hopes and dreams. We are never too young to begin to relearn the value of moderation and the art of control. As we reach for our goals, make the right decisions and become aware of our movements we are rewarded with feelings of accomplishment and success.

Author's Bio: 

Love my job ~ Women's Health and Wellness Coach