Working 9-5 is getting boring, so I have decided to start my own business but on-line. I won’t leave my job until my business brings in enough money for me to survive on. The first step is to think of what exactly I would like to sell on-line but so far I have come up with noting.

The only thing I thought of was children’s toys, so probably will do that. I need to find a wholesaler to buy bulk toys for cheap. Once I get hold of some toys, I can start building my website to sell them on. I’ve already done the necessary things I need to set up the website, so I can start focusing on the actual website.

I will need to take pictures of the toys that I buy, write up all the details of the toys and then I need to decide how much I will sell them for. I also have to sort the shopping cart software out but I will need to do that before I upload all the pictures.

Once my website is up and running, I will sit back and wait for my first order. The first few months will be very hard as it will be like having two jobs. I will have to rush home from work
I can’t wait for everything to be done, if this works out then I can leave my job and work from home.

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Please continue reading here: shopping cart software